SEVEN - Bentham's House

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M I L L A R D  N U L L I N G S

"She's all cured!" Said a voice with the familiar French accent, as the door room swung open. The door made a bang sound as it hit the wall, and I slightly jumped. I saw Mother dust and the French boy at the door.

My body was heavy, and soon I realized my skin was still bullet-proofed.

"Is she awake?" I asked, rushing out the door room. It was not like she was woken up from the dead, but I was rushing and panicking.

I heard Mother dust chuckle.

"It was just a scar-cure." Translated Reynaldo.

"Oh, yeah." I said, scratching my head. I thought for a moment, and tried to figure out why I had cared about her so much, and why I liked her the first moment I saw her. Then the kiss we had popped in my mind, and my face became hot. I shook off all the thoughts and went into the room Vivian was.

Vivian was rubbing her eyes, and seemed like she didn't know where she was. Since I had my clothes on, she knew I was coming into the room.

"Millard?" She said. "Where are we?"

"We're at a house in Devil's Acre. You found the way out of the wight's building, remember?" I said.

She nodded. "I remember turning a hollow into a mouse. But I don't remember more than that." She said.

"You fell asleep. You used too much of your peculiarity. I found out that the building was in a place that I knew - which is here, Devil's Acre - and we're in a house that I know." I explained.

"Oh. Okay." She said, shrugging. She rubbed her face. "I can't believe you made it!" She said.

"I made what?" I said.

"The escape." She replied.

"That's what you did, not me." I said. "Actually, we did it."

Vivian smiled and rubbed her neck. Then her smile vanished, and fumbled around her neck.

"My scar. Where's my scar?" She asked.

"Mother Dust cured it. She's  a healer." I replied.

She looked quite disappointed, but just nodded.

"It's quite awkward to see you invisible, since I know your face." Said Vivian, jumping out of her bed. "Do you want me to turn you visible again?"

"You choose. Oh, but first, my skin is still bulletproof. It's quite heavy - can you change it back to my normal skin again?" I asked.

"Sure." She touched my wrist, and I felt myself getting lighter. Then my visible body became visible. "I choose visible." She said.

"Alright." I said. I liked myself being visible too, and I won't lie - I think I'm quite handsome.

"What should we do now?" She asked.

"There's a panloopticon located to Florida here. We used it to go find Jacob - anyway, we will stay here for a little bit, and we'll go back to Florida." I explained.

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