Four - The postcard

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J A C O B   P OR T M A N

"Miss P? We're here!" I called, letting everyone in the house.

School with my peculiar friends were easier than I thought, and surprisingly some remembered how to act in school. I expected Enoch or Emma would go to the principle's office, but they didn't. Millard absolutely loved school. His favorite class was history, of course, and was very interested about the histories after 1940. He was Mister McDonald's , our history teacher, new favorite student. Emma and Enoch didn't make any trouble. Enoch was close to Kahlo all the time which I had no idea why.

"Children! How was school?" She asked, standing up from the sofa. She was having tea, reading newspapers with her legs crossed.

"It was great!" Said Horace. "History was quite funny. It was odd to learn what happened after 1940." He said.

Miss Peregrine smiled at us, then made a confused face. She was looking at Kahlo, not knowing who she was.

"Who's this?" Asked Miss Peregrine.

"She's Kahlo. She lost her loop and ymbrine, so we brought her here." Answered Emma. "Is it okay for her to be one of us?"

There was a very short, but a nervous silence.

"Of course! That would be lovely. What's your name again?" Asked Miss Peregrine, smiling at Kahlo.

"Kahlo. Kahlo MacCarshy." Said Kahlo.

Miss Peregrine stared at her for a second, still smiling.

"Do I know you? You seem very familiar." Said Miss Peregrine.

"She's the black girl we saw in the mall." Whispered Emma into Miss Peregrine's ears.

"Ah. I see." Said Miss Peregrine, sitting on the sofa again. She drank a sip of her tea, and unfolded the newspaper she was reading. She made a dismissed look on her face, and we scattered away up to our rooms. But Kahlo just stood there, not knowing where to go or what to do.

I wanted Enoch to show her the basement's room she'll be staying, but Enoch went downstairs alone. I sighed, and beckoned to Kahlo.

"This way, Kahlo." I said, heading downstairs. "There's no more room upstairs, but we have two more rooms in the basement."

Enoch was looking confused when we came downstairs, since no one ever came to the basement.

"You're not using the whole basement from now, Enoch." I announced. Enoch groaned.

"I'm choosing my room." He said. I looked at Kahlo if she minded, but she didn't seem to mind.

Of course, Enoch chose the large room. It took him a few minutes for him to remove everything to his new room. I left Kahlo in her new room, and went upstairs again.

H U G H   A P I S T O N

I sat on my bed, throwing my bag into a corner. It was too hard living without Fiona. I never spoke a word since I realized there was absolutely no possibility Fiona had survived. I had dreams of her every night, and I felt her with me everyday. I wanted to give up living. I often slept, hoping I could see her in my dreams. No one told me to cheer up or to get out of my bed. Except for breakfast, lunch, dinner and some shopping or walks I had to join, I spent my day sleeping and dreaming about Fiona.

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