Chapter 13: You found me

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After the battle with Ultron everyone was more than happy go back to their regularly scheduled lives. Clint went back to his farm, taking Wanda with him to help her adjust and cope with the loss of her brother. Tony was off somewhere with Pepper, and they still haven't heard from Bruce. As for Natasha, she had been staying with the Rogers siblings in their cozy apartment in D.C.

Returning to normal wasn't enough for Jacqueline she needed to get away. To get away from S.H.I.E.L.D, Hydra, just the whole superhero scene in general. That also meant she needed time away from her brother and friends. She found herself staying in the small town of Burchast.

Burchast was the capital of Romania with streets lined with stand vendors. It reminded Jacqueline of New York City but much smaller and not as loud. The super soldier had been staying in the capital of Romania for a little over two months, and wasn't sure when she would leave, or if she ever wanted too.

Here in Burchast she wasn't a super soldier who was 88 years old who was part of the Avengers and had Captain America for a brother. Instead she was just Jacqueline Rogers, a twenty something year old who was just enjoying the moment. Who could speak Romanian and 7 other languages because she was one summer and decided to teach herself. It was a nice change for Jacqueline but she knew it was selfish for her to stay, she'd have to go back home eventually.


Jacqueline had been walking through the market when she heard the devastating news from a newspaper she got off a vendor. The headline read:


Jacqueline had to grab the stand to stop herself from collapsing in shock and terror. She couldn't believe this had happened and she couldn't imagine what her friends T'Challa and Shuri must be feeling. Patting her pocket to try and find her phone, only to remember she left it back in the apartment she's renting. Quickly she pays for the paper and makes her way through the crowded street to her apartment.

She rereads the headline in disbelief and her mind wanders to the Winter Soldier. She never met him, didn't know he really existed, but she heard stories. A man, his left arm made of metal, who was a master assassin for Hydra. Jacqueline had found a file of Hydra's telling her more about him. Although Jacqueline never saw the soldier, she read that he is brainwashed repeatedly  causing them to lose all their memories, which caused her to feel slighlty sorry for, to lose your mind must be awful.

Jacqueline wasn't paying enough attention to her surroundings so she didn't notice the man following her. She didn't realize he was there at all until she was pushed into a back alley and pressed up against the wall.

Her captor is about 6'2 with shoulder length brown hair covering his face, but what really got Jacqueline's attention was his left metal arm. She would bet 10 bucks that this was the Winter Soldier, but it didn't make sense that he was in Romania when just an hour before he was supposedly spotted in Vienna. The super soldier quickly got over her shock and kneed the Winter Soldier in the groin. Groaning the soldier released her giving her the opportunity to shove him on the ground. Jacqueline quickly pins his arms behind his back and his left cheek pressed to the ground.

"Why is the Winter Soldier in Burchast and why are you following me?" Jacqueline growls.

"I don't do that anymore." The soldier grunts is voice faintly framilar.

"What?" Jacqueline asks lowering her guard so that the Winter soldier was able to flip her on her back with him hovering above her. His hair still in his face so Jacqueline still couldn't make out his face.

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