The Fall

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"Sere?" Was the only thing that left his mouth. His eyes were full of hurt. Tears lined the bottom of his eyes. He was shaking. I hated seeing him this way. Full of sadness and hurt.

"I need to go." I quickly break out of his grip and sprint off the deck or the restaurant. I can't be here anymore. They have found me.

My past found me. I can't go back. If I go back, everything will happen again. I just wanted a new life away from everyone. I wanted to start fresh. I didn't need this happening to me. I am already barely hanging on. If I go back I will have to explain what happened to me. People will pity me, and I don't want that. If I go back the people there will control me like always. 

My sprinting doesn't stop till I reach my safe place. It is a small waterfall that is hidden away from the tourists. I pull off my sandals and sit on the edge of the river that feeds the waterfall. I dangle my feet into the cold water and let my mind drift off into nothing. I just wanted to disappear and never be found. I wanted a peaceful life and just blend in. I didn't want to be special I just wanted to...

I just wanted to not exist. 

That's what I wanted. 

I stood up and walked over to the edge of the cliff. I wanted to fall. I wanted to just disappear. 

"Serena!" I turn to see Ash running towards me. My eyes locked with his and he slowed down. Panic filled his face. He saw on the brink of death more than once but this time it hit him harder. 

I slowly started to lean forward. I wanted to just fall. 

"Serena, don't do this to yourself." Ash started to creep forward. He wanted to stop me. 

"Ash, leave me be." My voice was weak and barely a whisper.

"Sere, I can never let you be." His hand grabbed my hand. "When you left without saying anything I was heartbroken. Serena, you are my life. Stay with me please." 

"Bye, Ash." I slipped my hand out of his and fell. I closed my eyes as I fell into the water.

(Ash's POV)

"Serena!" I screamed. I leaned over the edge to see her falling into the water. I couldn't lose her again. I got to my feet and jumped. I can't lose her. If I lose her I lose everything. She doesn't disserve to die. Not yet.

I close my eyes and hold my breath, wait for my body to collide with the water.

I can't lose her.

(Serena's POV)

"Fuck!" I screamed as I resurfaced. I looked back up at the top of the cliff to see no Ash. "Fuck." I started to look around to see if he also jumped. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I dove under the water and looked around for the stupid raven-haired boy. Where the hell could he be? I swam to the surface and started gasping for air. I needed to find him. "Ash?!" 

"Sere?" I turned to see the stupid boy a few feet away from me. "Sere!" His face lit up when his eyes met mine. 

"Ash!" I swam over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and held on for dear life. 

"Serena." He whispered into my ear as he treads water to keep us from sinking. "God, I missed you." 

"I've missed you too." I finally admit. I pulled away from him and grabbed his hand and pulled him to the sandbar. 

"Why did you run then?" He asked. My heart dropped.

"Because I didn't want to go back to my past." 

"Serena, I will never let that happen to you again." He pulled me in for another hug and laughed. "You don't know how good it is to have you in my arms again." 

"Ash, stay with me here. Please don't leave me.

"I will never. I love you too much." 

"I love you too."

Hey guys! So I finally finished this book off. I know my writing got worse as it went but I didn't know how to finish this book so I sat down and was like you are fucking finishing this book if it is the last thing you do. I had no ideas how to finish it and to be honest I was going to have it go on even farther. My original plan was to have Ash date Lillie (I hope that is how you spell her name) and Serena to date Lillie's brother, Gideon I think his name is. So it was just going to be a mess. But when I sat down to write this chapter I was like hell no I am finishing this and not starting more drama. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. Please try to read some of my other books. Also, guys, I am trying to experiment with some stories but I need help so you might see me post random stuff and then go unpublish it. If you see me do that please read them and tell me what you think. Well goodbye!

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