Harm to Hurt to Sadness

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I ran up a hill that had a single tree on top of it. The tree was planted here when the school first go started. It was over hundred years old now but the school looked so modern you wouldn't believe it. I sat down leaning against the tree. Flabebes flew around with butterfrees. It was crazy to think pokemon still stuck around the school. Kids would come and chase them so they could catch them so they can command them to battle each other. It is crazy to think pokemon are ok with that. My mind wondered on after that. I knew it wasn't good but I didn't want to do anything right now. 

I watched as the clouds moved over head. I felt at peace. No one was around to yell at me or act like I was nothing. No one really cares so whats the point of being in that school. I could be off somewhere meeting new people. I don't have to be stuck in this area. Knowing my father he would trap me in my room and let myself slowly kill me. I took off my jacket letting the sun warm me. I looked down at my arm with all the scars. Some looking fresher then others. I felt tears coming to my eyes. My mother didn't want this for me. She wanted me to grow up strong and healthy. Now I am having suicidal thoughts and have an eating disorder. (Wow I just threw a lot out there it seems like) I sat there just starring at my arm. I never wanted me to turn out like this. I was a really happy kid.

"Serena!" I voice yelled. I looked around for a place to hide but there was none. "Serena where are you?" the voice sounded like it was getting closer.

"Serena!" Another voice shouted a little deeper. I got up and started to walk towards them. I saw Ash and his mother looking around. I just continued to walk towards them. When they was me smiles spread across their faces. I didn't know why. I was just a girl that was hidden in the shadows. 

"Serena why did you run out." Ash ran up to me. His mother hung back. I ignored him and started to walk back to the school. The both starred at each other for a second then headed behind me into the school. I didn't talk for the rest of the day. They didn't try to talk to me. After the last bell I walked out of the class room trying to hide my arms because I forgot my jacket by the tree. I was at my locker getting my books when I felt someone pull me back.

"Well if it isn't a shadow." Miette laughed in my face. 

"Please not today." I pleaded. I didn't need someone else to make me feel worse about myself. 

"Awe is shadow scared?" She pushed me down into the floor. Her meowstic instantly started to scratch me up. I felt the newer cuts in my arms open back up. I didn't try to stop the pokemon just tried to block me. I felt someone pull me up by my hair and throw me into a closet. I heard it lock. It was pitch black and I felt dizzy already. I sat down trying to not pass out. I felt around till I realized this was the janitors closet. I found something to wrap my arms in to I could try to stop the bleeding. I didn't want this lift anymore. 

I slowly got up and walked towards the door. I banged my fists on it but I was so weak it was almost like tapping on it. I saw the janitor walking down the hall. I tried banging louder but I felt myself getting weaker every second. Soon my vision went black. Right before I lost my hearing I heard the door click open. 

I woke up to someone whispering something to me. I didn't try to open my eyes. Just sat there trying to breath. "You deserved this." My mind whispered to me. "You are just taking up space in this world." I couldn't take it anymore. I can't stand my mind. I sat up quickly ready to yell till I saw it was Ash and Mrs. Ketchum in the room.

"Oh honey your awake." Mrs. Ketchum's sweet voice filled the room.

"What?" I looked around the room confused. 

"Ash heard someone banging on a door and found you passed out." She explain.

"Ohh." I swung my legs over to the side of the bed so I could sit up. "Well I should be going."

"Are you sure. You don't look to great." 

"I will be fine." I slowly got up and headed out of the room. As I walked through the school my mind kept racing. I don't know what I am thinking about but what ever it is it hurts. I made it to my car and slowly got in. I wish I could just be normal for once. I drove off to my house being careful not to black out. I pulled up in the drive way and parked. I walked in the house and headed upstairs to my room. I laid on my bed. The room kept spinning. My mind mind raced with thoughts and breathing became harder. I shoot up quick when I realized I was chocking myself. 

My mind got the best of me. I ran to the bathroom and saw bruises on my neck. Tears ran down my face removing the makeup I had on.  My face looked horrible. My black eye was swollen. Bruises all over. I slowly lifted up my shirt and saw my stomach was still black and blue. My rips were visible. My hips were like blades. My body looked like I was a prisoner who got beaten up. More tears streamed down my face. My mother would of never wanted this. She also wouldn't want me to leave my father. I sat on the bathroom floor sobbing my eyes out. 

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