Chapter 43 (The lie in my marriage)

Start from the beginning

"Hafsah i am not lying,Malik wants to marry me. As we're speaking right now,my mom has approved and in the next two weeks,Malik and his parents will come to officailly seek my hand in marriage".

Amal responded not missing the deadly glares Hafsah was throwing in her face. If only looks could kill.

"Say wallah,because if you're a good Muslim you won't say wallah while you're lying".

"Wallah Hafsah,i am telling you the truth. I can't believe it's happening too".

There was a moment of silence before Hafsah finally assimilate the information passed to her by Amal.

"Oh my Allah... my baby girl is getting hitched. Oh this is super duper amazing. I'm going to be an Aunty soonest".

Hafsah shrieked practically lunging on Amal engulfing her in a tight embrace. Being the dramatic friend, she finally managed to gather some people's attention at the cafeteria with her loud shrieking.

"Yyyoou are sssuffoc ccating me Hafsaaa".
Amal said almost breathless as Hafsah's hug was too tight.

"Oh sorry darling i am just way too happy. Aunty Hafsah.. how do you like my new title?"

She stated loosening Amal from her tight embrace and sitting back in her seat.

"We're not even married yet and you're already giving yourself some title huh".

"Well i don't care Amal,you'll be married soon and then there will be cute babies on the way. You know i always knew you and Malik would make beautiful cute adorable babies. Oh i can't wait to meet them cuties a year from now".

Hafsah chirper clapping her hands dreamingly.

"Dream on babe. Now pass me the ketchup will ya?".

Amal said with a roll of her eyes trying to take the image of Malik amd her with a kid from her mind.

"Aww there you go Malik's wifey. "

She passed the ketchup to her.

"Oh and why am i the last to know".
Hafsah asked with a huff as her eyebrows furrowed at Amal.

"Trust me you're not. And i was looking out for my eardrum that's why i didn't call you the other night because i know if i had i will definately be in an appointment with the otologist now".

"But i am not that loud".

Hafsah pouted slumping her shoulders in a childlike manner.

"Yes you are.. i heard you from where i was sitting. Assalamualaikum ladies"

Faisal said making the ladies turm to look at him in astonishment. Amal's face beamed with a smile at seeing him while Hafsah did her best to adjust her statue in a ladylike manner as the two threw an adorable smile at each other.
They'll make cute babies too.
Amal thought to herself as she looked at both of them laughing at her thoughts internally.

"Waalaikumusslam. Have a seat Faisal".

Amal motioned to the empty seat as Faisal drew the chair and sat in it.

"Amal is getting married to Malik".

Hafsah said with a toothy grin on her face.

"Wow.. great Ma shaa Allah. No wonder i heard Hafsah squealing like some kid in the playground. Congratulations Amal".

"Thanks Faisal". Amal said in a shy voice.

Hafsah glared at Faisal as a pout formed on her face.

The lie in my marriage (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now