Chapter 2

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A/N Sorry it's so short, I know, hopefully after these two chapters it'll get longer.

Chapter 2

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back to the crowd” Max Lucado

“What is it about rain that makes people so stupid?’ Alan mumbled as he dodged a Nissan trying to get to a gas pump. The humidity in the air was blanketing, covering everyone, ad everything, making the state of Florida seem like a jungle in Asia. Alan walked over to the side of the gas station and looked into the sky.

“So…” Andrew said interviewing the driver of the tanker “You were clubbed by a chick in skin tight leather?”

“Yeah mon” the driver, a Jamaican man with a head full of dreads said “I no kid you”

“Mmm’k,” Andrew said patting him on the shoulder “you just hang in there”

He walked over to where Alan was lining up to take a shot with a golf club.

“The driver said he was clubbed over the head by a golf club, by a woman about 5' 2" in skin tight leather. The tanker was full and was going to unload over here and at the Hess by Downtown before going to refuel the cars at Lights, Motors, Action.”

“Ok,” Alan said holding his golf club “this could just be for Hurricane Megan. You know desperate people. Generators. Shit like that. Remember Kali a few months ago, that guy high jacked the generator truck going to Lowe’s.”

“Yea that’s what I thought,” was the reply “But the tanker had something else in the tank… jet fuel”

Alan stopped and raised an eyebrow and looking at Andrew asked, “Terrorists?”

“I would love to put that thought out of my mind.” came the reply.

“I would love to put a lot of thoughts out of my mind." Alan added darkly.

Quincy came running over.

“Security cameras were cut off. The clerk didn’t see anything. But then again he was getting yelled at by an angry Latino woman who wanted her Bud light.”

“So it’s a pro job?” Alan asked licking the inside of his mouth.

“That’s what its looking like,” Quincy said, “But then again they said Kim Kardashian’s wedding was a pro job, and we all see how  that worked out”

“Quincy?” Alan asked

“Yo?” was the response

“Why don’t you have dreads?”

“My momma wont let me,” Quincy replied dejected.

“Oh,” was all Alan said. He turned to Andrew “Are terrorists that sloppy?”

“Depends” Andrew said “Chris Gaou was”

“True dat” Alan said.

“Alan!” came Mike’s yell.

“Found something!” Alan swung his club onto his shoulder and walked over to where Mike and Russell were standing

“This is like the blind leading the blind” Alan mumbled Mike pointed at a submerged rumpled up ball of fabric in the swampy knee high grass.

“A leather jacket that a tourist said someone threw there, from a black pickup.”

“Great” Alan said, walking down and leaning in with his club get it out. He was greeted with a sharp hiss that made Alan jump and fall on his stomach. He cursed under his breath and looked up, finding himself face to face with an ugly face.

It was lumpy, green, and scaly. It’s sharp, dirty, white razor teeth showing through a long bumpy snout.

“Gator” Mike said looking at it as it started crawling out of the water “Actually like five and the ones gonna have babies.”

“Thanks a shit load for that” Alan said slowly backing up.

“How do you know that” Quincy asked raising an eyebrow.

“Looks like Playboy isn’t all he looks at.” Russell said.

“Get it Mike,” Alan said when he was out of harms way, brushing himself off.

“Wait whoa whoa” Mike exclaimed backing up, “Yea ok that prank call my… my idea but it was Chris. It was funny”

“No it wasn’t” Alan said “I thought you were her. And who names their kid Markey? No no Russell you get it. I’m gonna shoot Mike.”

“I’m not getting that” Russell said.

“Fine” Alan said pulling his gun from its hip holster, “I’ll get it.’

“No, no, no” Mike said grabbing at the gun “You can’t do that”

“Why not” Alan challenged.

“They are protected animals. It’s that law” He replied, sounding annoyed.

“Mike” Alan said looking him in the eyes “We’re cops. We are the law”

“Good point,” Mike said “but at least save the babies.”

“You want to give a bitchy alligator a c-section” Alan said backing away “Be my guest.”

“How about we call Mary?” Mike asked.

“Go ahead” Alan said putting his gun back and throwing up his hands in disgust.

About 20 minutes later an ambulance showed up at the sceen. Out came two girls dressed in Police uniforms and white jackets.

“What did you boys do?” Mary asked matter of factually.

“We didn’t do a thing,” Mike said “there was a gator.”

“And it’s going to be a mama” Dom added with a proud voice, “Just like Chip.” Mary walked over to the side of the lake.

“I don’t need you guys anymore you can go ahead home” Mary Called to Alan and the gang.

“Ok” Alan said hopping through the window in his car and starting the engine.

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