Anthony Part 1

Start bij het begin

The doors whirled up automatic and as soon as my feet tapped the floor inside I yelled, "help! Somebody help me!"

An elder looking man with strands of gray hair came running, with a nurse following close behind. They read my face and directed their attention on Nina in my arms. "What happened?" the man asked.

"I don't know! But you have to help her!"

It was a blur. Doctors and nurses hollering over each other's heads and Nina being dragged out of the comfort of my arms. In the turmoil, I managed to trail after the army of people there was screaming commandos and keep a rooted eye on Nina's face.

They shoved through a white door and into an unknown room. I followed, however, a small hand was laid on my chest, gently pushing. I stretched up to brush it away when she spoke, "you need to wait outside, sir. She's in good hands now."

I inhaled piercingly and tensed my jaw. "Fine." I swept her hand away, stumbling a few steps away from the door. I scowled at it.

The little nurse marched through the door with her hands tucked together in front of her and her head held low.

Chemicals tickled my nose and I sank my head into my arm so my sneeze wouldn't end up anywhere than on me. As I removed my head and peeked down my arms a bolt of shock shot through me.

My long sleeved shirt was stained with red spots and my hands shivered slightly as they turned around and glistened crimson in the yellowish light.

I slumped back in a grey plastic chair and rolled my head back against the white wall. A doctor passed me and flee into the room where they had Nina. 

God, I hope she's okay. 

I ran a slow hand through my already messed up hair and breathed out slow and steady. My eyes sealed shut and locked the sound of shoes hitting the cold floor out of my ears. The hallway carried as much personality as the rest of the hospital. The walls dove and floor slate grey. The ceiling was made out of white polystyrene squares there just hung there and really did nothing other than holding the lamps. They brightened up the room with yellowish light. 

Though it was yellow, I squeezed my eyes as I looked up. I found myself laying my head in my hands, a migraine building up on the inside of my scalp. I rubbed my forehead, "there must be some water around here." 

I glanced up and down the hallway, where a tiny machine stood finely up against the wall. Water waved inside of it and dripped down as a young man took a cup of water to put out his own craving. 

I took a peek at the door before I decided to step up and waltz down the corridor, one step after the other. My legs were as boiled noodles, my body tired to the core. I grabbed a hold of the wall, shaking my head. That probably wasn't the best idea, since my headache boomed up. 

I took the last stride with my long legs and bowed down to take a cup and fill it with water, even though it was probably something stronger I needed. I tucked it down and leaned my head back, steadying myself by holding the machine. 

I sighed deeply. 


I shook my head. 

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