51. I Am Stronger

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By now, Gabriella sure had told them the whole truth and the house were too quiet for anything good to have happened. I hadn't heard a word or anything breaking or crumbling against the floor or a random wall. Everything was quiet until the door slowly opened.

"Anthony?" I asked and sat up, turning towards the door.

It wasn't him there walked through the door but Liam. "Liam?"

"Yeah..." He smiled a calming but sad smile and quietly closed the door after him. He strolled towards me, neither of us saying a word.

"Did she tell you?" I asked slowly, biting my lips.

"About our brother? Yes, she did." He sat down beside me on the bed, staring blankly out into the air.

"How do you feel?"

"I don't know actually." He scratched his nose. "I hadn't seen it coming, but he does look like us... like our father."

My belly twisted as he mentioned it. he was right, but I never liked being reminded that our father was so like us... all three of us. "How did he take it... Antonio I mean."

Liam sighed. "He was the first to leave the room. He didn't even get to hear the whole story. He stormed out, pale as snow, with his brother, Anthony, not far behind him," Liam told and played with the nip of his clothes.

I sighed and threw myself back on the bed, covering my face with a silky pillow. "I feel so bad."

"Why?" Liam asked and the mattress moved as he shifted in his seat on the bed.

"Because I could have stopped Gabriella from saying anything! I was the one who pushed her into doing such thing against her own son."

"Don't feel bad about it, Nina. I don't know what you two talked about, but Gabriella took the right decision to tell us." Liam was good at comforting, but I still blamed myself. It was hard to see the good things in situations, however, it was something I had to work on.

"You did deserve to know, especially Antonio."

"What about me? Didn't I deserve to know?"


"Of course you did!" I removed the pillow and sat up again. "He is also your brother, but you aren't the one who hasn't known about being adopted for twenty-six years!"

He scratched his nose. "You may be right... Actually, you are right. I just think it's a bit overwhelming to suddenly find out you have an older brother."

"I know... I felt the same way." I folded my hands in my lap, looking at them.

"When did you find out? Did dad tell you?" he asked.

"I have always thought that Antonio looked a lot like you but I just thought it was only that. I overheard some things our parents said but didn't put much into it. At the trial, when dad started talking about Antonio, I put two and two together and almost solved it. Dad gave the last piece to the puzzle by giving me Antonio... or actually Mason's birth certificate. Later on, I asked mom about who it was and she confirmed it. Antonio is our brother." I breathed out, standing on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"I don't know. I think I just have gotten used to not telling anyone any of my secrets. I know I should have told you, but you haven't gotten me to trust you again."


He was silent for a moment, his breathing rapid and making me feel like stone have been dropped on top of me.

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