Start from the beginning

Hermione had started talking to Harry about who he was taking. The witch had pointed out a certain obsessive girl named, Romilda Vane, who was rumored to be sneaking Harry a love potion. Aubrey had sent the cunning witch a sinister glare, that made the girl quickly advert her glances away.

Aubrey had excused herself from the duo, as she had to get back to her common room to get herself ready for the party.

          THE SILK, RED dress fitted her body effortlessly

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THE SILK, RED dress fitted her body effortlessly. It had a plunging neckline that reached just under her breasts; showing just enough cleavage to make heads turn. Aubrey was all about taking risks, and having talk all about her. She slipped on her bright red pumps, smoothing down her curled hair. Aubrey took once last look in the mirror, before making her way out of the dormitories.

She met with Blaise just outside the common room portal door, smirking at his jaw dropping. Aubrey placed her hand underneath the man's chin, closing his mouth shut. "Close your mouth, Zabini. You'll catch flies," the brunette winked, walking ahead of him.

Aubrey and Blaise entered into the party room, as it was painted with vibrant colors. Lights and streamers hung from the ceilings, students and staff members chatting happily to each other. Servers had trays of food and champagne, offering them to the guests. Aubrey spotted Harry with Luna Lovegood as his guest. She told Blaise she was going to chat with the other students.

"You brought Lovegood?" Aubrey asked in amusement.

Harry shrugged lightly, his eyes racking up and down her body. Aubrey raised one eyebrow in suggestiveness, a teasing smirk cornering her lips. Harry cheeks tinting bright red in embarrassment.

"She's actually pretty cool," Harry stated, referring to Luna.

Aubrey nodded, taking a slip of her champagne. The two took notice of Hermione hiding behind a thing of curtains. They both sent each other questioning glances of curiosity, as they trudged their way over toward the witch.

"Granger, what the hell are you doing?" Aubrey asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What happened to you?" Harry had asked, noticing the panic and anxious expression painted on her face.

"I've just escaped-I mean, I left Cormac under the mistletoe," Hermione breathed out.

"Cormac?" Harry questioned in disgust. "That's who you invited?"

Aubrey busted out laughing. "I can't believe you brought Cormac McLaggen as your date," she managed to say out in-between laughs.

Hermione sent her a glare. "Shut it, Aubrey! I thought it would annoy Ron the most," she explained.

Aubrey noticed Blaise waving her over, causing her to roll her eyes. "Meet up with you guys later?" The two nodded their heads, as she went over to the man.

The Thomas witch reluctantly joined Blaise, who was happily chatting with Professor Slughorn. "Ah, here she is," Blaise smiled joyfully, putting an arm around her waist.

Aubrey shifted uncomfortable, yanking his arm away from her. "Good to see you, Professor," she greeted the teacher.

"Miss. Thomas, so happy you joined tonights festivities. Tell me, how are enjoying your term so far?" Slughorn asked, a friendly smile showcasing.

Before Aubrey could get a word in, Flitch, Hogwarts' care taking crashed the party, gripping onto the suit jacket of Draco Malfoy. Aubrey silently cursed out loud at her pathetic excuse of a adoptive brother.

"Get your hands off, you filthy Squibb," Draco sneered.

"Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party," Flitch explained.

"Okay, okay. I was gate-crashing. Happy?" Draco scoffed, smoothing down his wrinkled suit.

Professor Snape had walked over to the blond-haired boy, grabbing him by the arm. "I'll escort him out," Snape insisted.

"Certainly, Professor," Draco grimaced.

Snape has escorted Draco out, as Harry and Hermione joined Aubrey who stood angrily. "What was that about?" Harry questioned.

"I'll be right back," Aubrey briefly said. She raced out of the room, following Snape and Draco.

Snape had shoved Draco up against the brick wall, accusing him of hexing Katie Bell.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't," Draco sneered.

"The hell, Draco?" Aubrey hissed, walking toward her brother. "Pulling that stunt tonight. Are you trying to get yourself caught?"

"Shut up, Aubrey!" Draco barked.

"I swore to protect you," Snape interrupted. "I made the Unbreakable Vow."

"I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. I don't know what is means, but I won't fail him," Draco spoke in great honor.

Aubrey rolled her eyes, scoffing. "Chosen? Draco, you're a pathetic wimp like your father. He knows you'll fail; that's why he picked you."

Draco's eyes were heavily glaring at her. "I would keep your mouth shut, if I were you."

"Is that a threat, Malfoy?" Aubrey narrowed her eyes at him. "Because he's on my side. I'm his second in-command. What are you? The son of a Death Eater who failed to do the simple task of retrieving the prophecy," the brunette challenged him.

Draco went to attack her, but Snape pushed him back against the wall. "You're afraid Draco. You attempt to consider, but it's obvious, let me assist," Snape said.

"No, I was chosen. This is my moment," Draco spat, before walking away. Snape had flung his black ropes over his one shoulder, leaving the hallway.

Aubrey was left alone to her own thoughts. She could've sworn she saw somebody watching from behind a wall, but she shook the feeling off, walking away.

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