chapter 7:"great, right?"

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Carter's POV•
the rest of the school day went by like a blur.

mostly cause i was zoning out think about telling my parents about the baby, people at school finding out and shawn being at my school.

it was pretty stressful just thinking about it.

i walk out of the school and wait for kailey by her car she's taking me home.

i full my phone out and start scrolling through instagram liking pictures and commenting on some.

i soon feel a presence in front of me and look up from my phone.

and hoping it was kailey, it was shawn.

"hey" he says leaning against a motorcycle, which i was guessing was his.

"hi" i answer back, giving him a simple smile.

"so-when am i gonna meet your parents?" he asks.

i give him a puzzled look. what did he mean? i didn't plan on him meeting them anytime soon.

"uh, not anytime soon" say shifting in my place, standing up straight.

"why? i am the baby of the-" i slap my hand on his mouth before he could finish the sentence.

"keep your voice down! i don't need anybody knowing" i whisper yell at him.

he nods and i remove my hand from over his mouth.

"but seriously-when can i meet them?" he asks again.

"shawn, please, not now at least" i sigh pinching the bridge of my nose.

he lets out a sigh. "fine" he says.

wow. he gave up pretty quickly.

"thank you" smile.

"hey girl! ready to go?" i hear kailey call.

"yeah" i say. she gets in the car and starts the engine.

i open the door and before getting in, i smile and wave at shawn.

i get in and sit down. i let out a sign of relief.

i got through the school day.

thank god.

i just can't wait to get home and relax.

i also need to figure out how i was going to tell my parents about my pregnancy.

i guess i'm just...scared.

i don't want them to disown me or kick me out the house.

but i eventually have to tell them.
i was currently sitting in the dining room, doing my homework.

i was home alone and my mom would be back within 30 minutes.

i had ordered a pizza for dinner because i was craving it.

i was starving which didn't help with focus on homework any better.

finally, i hear the doorbell ring.

i quickly get up and grab the 20 bucks i has left on the could.

i open the door and instead of my pizza, i see shawn.

i real out and slam the door in his face.

i quickly open it again to make sure i'm not delusional and i wasn't.

i grab him by his shirt and pull him inside quickly shutting the door behind me.

"what the hell are you doing here!?" i yell at him.

Pregnant/s.m | on pauseWhere stories live. Discover now