The four do as they are told, as well as everyone else in the courtyard. "Roderick, mind if I sit in and watch?" Benjen asks the elder man.

"Aye, of course, Benjen." He turns to the kids, "As for you four, Robb you're with Theon, leaving Raven to be with Jon."

Raven smirks at her brother, "And you know the rule, brother."

"What rule?" Benjen asks 

All three boys spoke at once, each of them rolling their eyes as they do so, "No going easy on, Raven."

Benjen smiles at his niece, "Seems you've got these boys whipped into shape."

"That I do, uncle."

"Enough talking, more fighting." Sir Roderick bellows. Each pair starts to circle up, swords and shields raised.


Raven's POV

Jon and I quickly fell into a pattern of hits and deflections. Swing, clash, deflect. Swing, clash, deflect. Until Jon decided to switch it upon me. Swing, clash, swing, clash, swing, STRIKE. He struck my shield, and to the I went. Without thinking, I jump back to my feet . Barely giving Jon enough time to respond, I hit his side with the flast side of my practice sword. He hits the ground with a grunt.

Uncle Benjen laughs from the sidelines. "Better keep your shield up or you'll get you head rung like a bell."

"Nicely struck, Raven." Sir Roderick praises

I hold my hand out to help Jon get off the ground. He takes it, groaning as he stands up, "You okay, brother?" I ask, suddenly worried that I had hurt him.

"Just a bit bruised, Rave. I'll be fine." Practice continued for another hour or so. By the time it was done, all four of us were covered in mud.

"Go get yourselves cleaned up, and go about your days." We all just splash our faces with water and go about our days. I make my way over to where Maester Ludwin is holding lessons for Arya and Sansa because I forgot a book there earlier in the day. Us older kids already had our lessons for the day, just before Uncle Benjen arrived.

"Raven, just the girl I was hoping to see." The old man smiles at me.

I return his smile, "What can I do for you, Maester Ludwin?"

"First, you left this here." He hands me the book I left. "Second, would you be so kind as to help Arya with her letters. Sansa seems to need more help than expected with her sums."

"I would be happy to help, Maester." He goes back to helping Sansa with her work, as I moved to help Arya with hers. I pulled her onto my lap, giving both of us a better look at the parchment. 

After some time working on the lessons, Maester Ludwin speaks up "I think that's enough for today girls. Go on with your days."

Sansa looks to the old man, "Where's mama?"

"I wouldn't know exactly where, little one. Maybe Raven could help you find her."

I nod, "I would be happy to." I stand from the bench, with Arya in my arms.

Sansa shakes her head, "I can do it myself."

"Are you sure, Red?" By this point, the maester has walked away.

"I'm sure. I have no need for a bastards help." She recites as if she has been coached, she walks away with her nose in the air.

Sighing I look to Arya, "At least I have you, pup." making her giggle as I poke her nose. I start walking around the courtyard for I don't know how long, thinking about the state of things when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

"Hello, Raven." It was Uncle Benjen

"Afternoon, uncle."

"Could I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course." The three of us walk into the Great Hall, taking a seat at one of the tables. "What did you need to speak to me about?" I set Arya on the floor with one of her toys.

"I heard what Sansa said to you, don't try to deny it I went and spoke to Jon and Robb. They told me what happened with Catelyn. She had no right speaking to you that way."

"It's fine, uncle."

"Nothing about this is okay, Raven."

"She said what she had to say, and now she ignores me as much as she possibly can. As long as that continues, everything is great."

"What about Sansa?'

"She's just like her mother."

"From what I heard you two were becoming close."

"We were, but that's gone now. Lady Stark made sure of it."

"I have half a mind to speak to your father about this."

"No! Don't tell father, he doesn't need to know. He has enough to worry about as is."

"He has a right to know what is happening with his family."

"He does, but not with this. I can handle it, uncle. Don't worry."

He sighs, "Fine. I'll let this go but if she pulls something like that again, don't hesitate to tell your father or send a raven to Castle Black. I'll ride straight down here, and set that woman straight."

I smile widely, "Of course, uncle." He pulls me into a hug, "Thank you."

Arya stands from her spot on the floor and walks over to the two of us, toy in hand. "Raven, play with me."

I take the toy and pick her up once again, "Of course, pup." I look back to Uncle Benjen, "Looks like duty calls, uncle."

"Don't let me stop you. Have fun."

I smirk at Arya, "We always do."



Fun Fact:

That part about Sansa struggling with math (sums) is straight out of the first book in the series (pg. 549 to be exact)

Also a speacial thanks to everyone who votes and comments, it means a lot. Thanks for reading!

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