valentine's day special

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note: this is so late, but happy valentine's day! + happy birthday dear hoseok i love you!


It was Valentine's Day. And I was currently at the store buying some goods for the special day. While couples were surrounding me... holding hands.

The life of a single girl.

I had planned to give some to Jungkook because he's still a good friend and deserves something. 

Not like I like him... meanie who calls me short... psh. 

And to hand out my other friends, parents, etc. We had no school today, so plenty of people were out and about. 

As I bought my candies and headed out the door, I noticed there was a large crowd of people waiting in line for something across the street.

 A very long line of happy girls with bags in their hands. What the fuck is going on?

 For being me, I walked right into the line and asked the girl in front of me what was going on. 

"You didn't know? There's gonna be a free Song Joong Ki meet up for Valentine's Day!" She squealed and her pigtails bounced as she did so. 

"What the f- Really? I'm a big fan... how did I not know about this?" I started to freak out. I'm gonna some how meet Song Joong Ki!? 

"Yeah! I brought this whole bag of chocolates to give him for Valentine's Day!" The girl held up a huge pink bag at least the size of a little kid and showed it to me. How is she carrying that thing... and... well god damn!

That's enough chocolate to live on for a month. She must be a serious fan. 

"Wow damn."

"And the chocolates in your hand?" She pointed to the bag filled with chocolates on my shoulder. 

"Oh... they were originally for my friends but... I guess I'll give them to Song Joong Ki." 

"Now that's the way!" She grinned, and we gave each other a high five. We talked about Descendants of the Sun until we got super close to...

oh my god. 

 Oh crap this event thingy is legit! He's right there! Song Joong Ki! Standing behind a table, giving a girl his autograph, with the staff managing all the chocolate he's getting behind him... He's so handsome oh my gosh ;-; 

 He's so handsome oh my gosh ;-; 

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I'm gonna pee my pants... I'm gonna faint... Oh shit shit shit 

"O-oh my god... He's more beautiful u-up close..." The girl in front of me started to cry. 

"I... I..." 

She went up to Song Joong Ki (because it was her turn) and started to cry as he smiled and reassured her. How sweet... 

meanie - jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now