thank you jungkook !

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It's a Friday afternoon... and Jungkook and I are walking back to my house together. My parents aren't home, and I dunno why. Whatever. 

My parents won't mind if they knew, Jungkook used to come over every week, and I used to come over to his house every week. 

"Hey Y/N, do you want fried chicken?" Jungkook asked as he got some water for us in my kitchen. This house is basically a second home to him... He knows it by heart. 

"I love fried chicken, but I want pizza..." I took a sip from my water and thought. 


"Let's just get both, my parents would want some too. And besides, I ate nothing today." 


We called the fried chicken people to deliver us a big bucket of fried chicken and we ordered some pizza. 

Once we got it, we set it on the coffee table in the living and sat on the couch and started to eat. 

Jungkook and I ate while talking like normal. 

but... hmmm... 

But... something is off... He... he isn't calling me short? He hasn't been calling me short for the whole entire day... Even though he constantly reminds me everyday that I'm short... T_T

Something is up. Did he do something to make me mad? Is that it? 

"Hey um... Jungkook-ah, can I ask you something?" I said as I wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Y-yeah, what is it?" 

"This may sound weird but... why aren't you calling me short? You usually call me short everyday." 

Jungkook smiled. Crap, I gave him the idea to start calling me short again... 

"Oh, so now you complain that I'm not calling you short." He grinned. 

"I-i'm just wondering... not like I like it or anything... " I glared, staring down at my fried chicken and pizza. 

"You'll get chubbier if you keep eating that Y/N." Jungkook said as he bit into his pizza like a hamster. 

"I don't care! You'll get fat too, you're eating way too much! Just tell me what you did!" 

"But I did nothing?" 

"So why aren't you calling me short or something like that?" 

"Well... you helped me study for that english test remember?" 


"I just took the retake the teacher gave me today. And teacher says... I did really well. So... I appreciate what you done for me Y/N. And besides, I said I would do anything for you to help me study..." He looked into my eyes seriously, his face pink. 

"So Y/N-ah... thank you for what you have done. I don't think I really told you, how thankful I am of you. You really mean so much to me. You mean so much to me you, you don't even know. I... um... really like y-" 

"Y/N! We're back home! Sorry, your father and I decided to go get some lunch and we came back home. Oh, hi Jungkook-shi! Oh you guys got food, that's good." 

Oh, my parents are home. Well my mom is here, I guess my dad went to his room. 

"Oh hi mom! We got a lot of food because I thought you would of liked that, but it seems like you went out to eat..." 

I looked at Jungkook, who was looking very shook. 

"What happened Jungkook?" I asked.

"Ah... oh! N-nothing..." He blushed and continued to eat like his sixth slice of pizza. 

"Jungkook, wow you've grown. So handsome!" My mother complimented Jungkook as she put away all the extra food we ordered.

"Oh, thank you miss. I'm not that handsome... " He smiled shyly. 

"You'll get a lot of ladies soon." My mother added.

Jungkook blushed. "I-if I was getting ladies, I would have a girlfriend by now." 

"Well, you will soon!" My mom winked at him. Oh boy. 

What in the world is this weird conversation?

"I'm gonna take a shower okay you two? Call me when you need me." 

My mother walked away. I sighed. I'm pretty sure she made Jungkook feel very weird and uncomfortable. 

"...My mom can be so awkward. Anyways... when you were thanking me Jungkook... first thank you too. It may not look like it, but you're one of my best friends and we've known each other ever since childhood. Of course, I'm very thankful to you too. Even though you can be very annoying. So... thank you Jungkook!"

 I grabbed his hand, not caring if it was dirty due to food, squeezed it, and smiled brightly at him. I'll be sweet to him after hearing that from him. Don't get to hear things like that often from him. 

His face went from pink to very red. Is he this weak about contact with girls? That's cute... I'll make fun of him for that. 

"I... n-no problem... s-shortie..." He muffled a laugh and started to smile cheekily. 

I dropped his hand and gave him a look. 

"What just happened to the no calling Y/N a shortie policy for the day!?" 


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