2.) A Doctor away means Will can stay +SMUT+

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Being sick is a very common thing; it could lead to stomach bugs, a sore throat or a high fever. However, Dark has always seemed to get the worse of the worst, especially for colds like this. He despised it with a great passion; he felt weak to do anything, only for him to slouch on the sofa and watch Netflix. As the head of all of the Iplier egos, he had a reputation that he didn't want destroyed. The beginning of the day started off with a nice migraine, shortly after a small breakfast; Damien immediately rushed towards the bathroom and regurgitated all the food he consumed, shivering in decent room temperatures. And today was not the day for calling in sick; he had an important meeting with Google IRL, The Host, Dr. Iplier and Bim Trimmer about certain ideas to help the channel and community a bit more. He had already talked to Wilford and his idea about it a couple of days ahead, however, the pink reporter wanted to work more on his "Markiplier TV" idea. As much as it was a decent idea; there were too many flaws, by flaws I mean William shooting contestants and freaking out Mark during the last recording for the channel's trailer. Sure, Warfstache had his own show, but he wanted to go even bigger.

Right now, Dark is sitting on the couch, covered head to toe with blankets, and watching Soul Eater. A warm cloth was draped over his forehead as a thermometer was placed in his mouth. That's right; Dr. Iplier was checking up on him, sure he was not as good as Dr. Schneeplestein, but he does know a few things when it comes to simple colds like this. After a couple of minutes, the young doctor took away the thermometer and looked at the temperature that was given. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion; Dark's temperature read 75°F degrees, which wasn't normal for him; or any other human or ego at all!

"This cannot be right..." Muttered Iplier as he scratched his chin. Normally, Darkiplier was at least 90°F, due to his cold, grey skin and being in a darker environment. But seeing him in a deadly cold temperature; could mean something serious is happening.

Dark looked over at him. "What's wrong, Doc?" He asked as he coughed.

"Well, it is rather strange to explain, however you temperature is at 75°," Explained the man in the lab coat.

Dark felt sweat drip down his forehead. "Are you sure that it reads 75??"

Iplier nodded as he handed Damien the thermometer. Dark looked at the temperature; the Numbskull of a Doctor was right, he was cold, even under four blankets and some non slip fuzzy socks.

"All I would suggest is for you to take a warm shower and have something warm to drink." Iplier said as he helped up his patient by removing two of the blankets. "A power nap is optional but it is to my highest prescription to allow you to rest. I can give you some Advil or some sort of medicine to help make the fever go down."

Darkiplier nodded as he slugged up stairs. His powers were useless to him while he was sick, so he couldn't be able to teleport to his room, even if he tried. Grasping the railing for support, Dark finally made it to the final step and enter his brisk room; it wasn't as cold as it was downstairs, however, it still gave him chills as he removed his blankets, socks, sweatshirt, sweatpants, and underwear; making him completely nude.

Grabbing his dark grey robe and covering his body, Dark quickly made his way to the bathroom. However, he stopped be the sights of-

"William!" Dark coughed.

The colonel was dressed in his pink robe as his hand was touching the handle to the door. He turned and saw his shaking lover in nothing but his cloak, causing his cheeks to be painted red with passion and embarrassment.

Darkstache One Shots||Requests: ON HOLD||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ