My best friend

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Elli's pov

She saved me.

It was more than ten years ago when she saved my life and became a sister to me.

I was seven years old, and the bullying had gotten too much for me. My family was hardly ever around. And I had no friends. So I went to the stream near my house and dived right in, hoping that things would end, and if that didn't happen, they would at least be severe so people would pay attention to how much they were hurting me.

But right as I dived in, I felt a hand grab my wrist, and it terrified me, so I jumped up. It was a girl who was from around here, I had seen her once at school. And she was a year or so older than me. She pulled me out of the water, than talking in a fast and worried tone, she said, "Why did you do that?!" You can't die now. You're not even double digits yet!"

This girl was cute, and I smiled at her weakly. "I was going...swimming! Yea just practicing swimming. I come here a lot..." I could tell she didn't believe me. "I live up here, and I come to the stream basically every day, and I NEVER see you here. And people don't go swimming in their clothes. Why were you going to drown yourself?" She stared at me intently.

There was no way I could shake her away from me, so I sighed and said, "I'm...alone. No one cares about me, I'm always bullied, my family is never around, and I have no friends." I turned to walk home when she turned me back around.

"I don't have any friends either," she mumbled. "I moved here a couple months ago and no one is interested in do you wanna be friends?" I almost started crying. In my few years of life, no one had been this interested in me, excluding the few times my parents were around to care for me. She picked up a rock and said, "This is my friendship gift to you. Will you please be my friend?"

I took the rock and nodded. We shared a hug and decided to go home, saying we would meet at the stream everyday from now on.

That day, I put the rock on my dresser, and it hasn't moved ever since

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