The Volturi

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I don't own twilight.

Chapter 6

Jacob's Pov

It has been a year and three months since the pack and I first met the Cullens. We have gotten along well to the point where we think of each other as family. They have been so hospitable to us and it makes us wonder why we were enemies in the first place.

Bella has grown up so much in these past months. It seems like she's growing in the blink of an eye. Her skin is so pale and she is so beautiful that she could pass as an immortal child. (Carlisle told us the vampire history so we know everything and anything about vampires.) She is so smart it is hard to believe. Bella noticed there was something different about us, but we haven't told her what we are yet because it would be a lot to take in for a two-year-old.

Bella is watching her daily Dora and it is complete torture. Dora asks you twenty billion times if you see the map when it is right in front of her face. Is she blind? Does she need glasses? It is horrible, but I will watch it for the sake of Bella's happiness.

Edward finally manages to get her away from the stupid show to play the piano. She actually is pretty good. "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and "Happy Birthday" are her favorite things to play. Everyone in the house comes by the piano to listen. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. She starts singing the happy birthday song and it sounds like an angel is singing. Her voice is beautiful just like she is. She amazes me everyday. For example, I went to one of her pageants and I couldn't believe all the chaos. Alice was flying all over the place trying to get hair and makeup done while everyone else was trying to calm her down. The only person who seemed sane was Bella. She just sat there and didn't make a sound. When she went on stage, she rocked it despite the drama going on in the hotel room.

I was brought out of my reverie with Bella finishing her song. Everyone clapped in awe at this little angel. Bella blushed and reached for me to pick her up. I grabbed her and she hid in the crook of my neck.

"That was beautiful." I whispered in her ear.

"Thank you," was her reply. Sensing her discomfort I led her outside.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Go swimming!" She squealed. I sigh. That always seems to be her reply. I lead her to the river and set her down.

"Stay right there. I will be back in a second. Let me put your shoes away." I run inside to grab towels and put her shoes in the kitchen. When I go back I can't find Bella. Where did she go? I go to the river in search of Bella only to find she is already soaking wet. She giggles and splashes me with water. I laugh and splash her back. This turns into a water war that leaves us both dripping. Soon everyone is outside.

"We heard laughing and thought we could join." Embry says.

"Come on! Play!" Bella yells. Everyone jumps in the water and we enjoy ourselves.

About an hour into our relaxation time I hear a gasp only a supernatural would be able to hear from this distance. Every Cullen and werewolf turns their heads to see a blond vampire woman staring at us with wide eyes. She looks at each of us and just stares at Bella who is oblivious to the drama unfolding.

"Irina!"Carlisle calls to the vampire. Irina glares at him and runs off. We look at each other in concern.

"I think it is time to go inside." Jasper says. We agree and dry off before going inside.

Esme puts Bella down for her nap while we have a conversation downstairs.

"Who was that?" Seth questions.

"That was Irina. She is part of the vegetation vampire coven in Alaska. We consider them our cousins in a way. We had a small fight a few years back with her and so I'm guessing she came to reconcile with us. I wish we could have at least spoken with her. I wonder why she left so quickly." Edward explained.

"Maybe she was intimidated by the wolves." Rosalie says.

"I don't think that's it. Did you see the looks she was giving Bella?" Sam asks. Everyone nods.

We sat pondering until Alice suddenly jumps up practically hyperventilating.

"What is it Alice?" Carlisle asks.

"I had a vision! Irina thinks Bella is an immortal child! She went to the Volturi. They're coming for us." Alice starts to dry sob.

"What are we going to do?" Emmett asks while cracking his knuckles.

"We cannot stand against the Volturi. We will need help." Jasper thinks aloud.

"The pack will help." I say while standing up.

"We will need more people. Carlisle, what about your vampire friends? Surely they will help you." Edward comments.

"I cannot ask them to fight." Carlisle replies.

"Not fight. Witness. If enough people knew the truth then maybe we can convince the Volturi to listen." Edward says while leaning against the wall.

"That could work." I say. We look around for approval and it looks like this plan will be set in motion. Let's just hope it works.



Thanks for reading! I have been getting great feedback lately. This is my most successful book so far. Thanks to my fans.

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