Bella's Hospital Experience

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I don't own Twilight.

Chapter 2

Edward's Pov

We have had Bella for almost six months now and she never ceases to amaze me. I can't read her mind and that frustrates me all the time. I would like to know what's wrong when she's crying or what she wants when she's fussy. She's been an angel just like her parents said she was. She's changed this family for the better.

There is never a point where she is alone. She usually doesn't even sleep in her room. One of us is holding her when she's sleeping. We even made a schedule because everyone wanted to hold so much. We all started to get into fights because each one of us thought it was our turn to hold her. We at first were hesitant to let Emmett hold her because he can get really crazy if he isn't watched. He once broke the tv when his favorite team lost the championship. We made sure to watch him like a hawk when he held her. Luckily when he was holding her there weren't any games on so he didn't get out of control. He ended up being very mature. Well, as mature as Emmett can be.

Today, us boys were staying at home while all the girls took Bella on her first ever shopping trip. I made sure to wish her luck before they left because Alice can be a tyrant when you let her loose in a mall.

Carlisle was in his study since he had the day off, Jasper was reading a war history book, Emmett was playing his video games, and I was playing Bella's lullaby on my piano. I don't know how I thought of her lullaby. I was just holding her one night and I started to hum a tune. It immediately helped her go to sleep and from then on it was Bella's lullaby.

The house was pretty peaceful. Emmett wasn't screaming, there was no baby to tend to, and there was no hyper Alice bouncing on the walls. We all just couldn't wait for our favorite girls to get home. We knew it would be a while till they would get back since Alice would probably go into every store so we tried to pass the time with whatever we could.

"Hey guys! Do you want to go hunting with me?" Obviously Emmett couldn't take this waiting. We all agreed and took off into the woods. At least this will help me get my mind off things.


2 hours later

We just got back from our hunting trip and Jasper checked his phone to see that Alice had texted him. They were going to be back in two minutes. Us men decided to sit on the couch and wait. Those two minutes were the longest two minutes of my life.

Finally we heard the car pull up. We were all excited for them to be back until we heard Alice yell, "Boys! Come get our bags while we take care of Bella!"

We all groaned as we made our way to the car with all the bags. Just as we suspected, the car was full of them. There had to be forty bags here. We took all of them upstairs at vampire speed and went to see the girls. Carlisle was giving Bella her bottle and being the protective father he was. After everyone gave each other greetings, we all settled down to watch a baseball game that was on. Bella had fallen asleep and was currently in Jasper's arms. I guess today was his turn to hold her.

It was around 7 in the morning when woke up. Alice had already made a bottle for her since she knew when she was going to wake up. Esme changed her and Jasper fed Bella. Emmett decided to play with Bella so he put her on the floor. He started to play with her toys so she knew what to do with them. We all watched them play until Rosalie said, "Why don't we do something with Bella today."

We all nodded in agreement until Carlisle asked, "What is there to do with a baby who is six months old?"

"We can go to the club!" Shouted Emmett. He then decided to do some dance moves that were so inappropriate I had to make Bella look away. He only stopped when Rosalie whacked him in the back of his head.

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