Alice's Idea?

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I don't own Twilight.

Chapter 3

Edward's Pov

After Bella's accident we made sure to keep a watchful eye on Emmett while he's holding Bella. Her leg healed up perfectly a month later and the family now has a type of routine. Our world revolves around Bella and she is the most spoiled baby in Washington. We've had Bella for eleven months now and she's as adorable as ever.

We were all doing our own thing at the moment. Carlisle is in his study, Alice is bouncing on the couch like she's waiting for something, Emmett is playing video games, Rosalie is painting her nails, Jasper is reading a war book, Esme is practicing her cooking skills for when Bella's older, Bella is playing with her toys on the floor, and I am playing the piano. It was Saturday so everyone was just relaxing.

It was quiet until I heard the doorbell ring. Alice jumped up and screeched, "It's here!"

We all went into the living room to see what was so important. At the door there was a UPS guy with a package and a clipboard. When Alice opened the door he was stunned by her inhumanly beauty.

"S-Sign here p-please" the man stuttered out. Jasper stood behind Alice protectively to make sure the guy knew she was his, but Alice didn't seem to notice either of them. She was too focused on her package. She eagerly signed the form, grabbed the package, and slammed the door in his face.

That was when we all stared at her with confused looks. "Alice, what is so important about this package? You get them everyday for your fashion needs so why are you so excited about this one?" Carlisle said.

"This package is for Bella." Alice said as if we all should know this.

"What is it? Are there some new toys for Bells and I to play with?" Emmett said a little too eagerly. We really need to find him a psychologist or something.

"No. It's a dress." We were still confused until she pulled out the dress. Our jaws dropped to the floor. Alice was holding up a deep red cupcake dress that was bedazzled with jewels on the boddess. It had lace sleeves with little gems stitched in as well. The dress was definitely a show stopper, but what would Bella wear that for?

Alice's face went blank as she was probably seeing what I was about to ask her. "I've decided I wanted to enter Bella in a beauty pageant."

We all stared at her in shock. "Why would you want to do that, darlin'?" Jasper said as he put his arms around her waist.

"It will give me an excuse to play dress up with Bella and wouldn't it be nice to have judges tell you how beautiful your child is?" Alice said while we caught on.

"I love it!" Rosalie all of a sudden yelled out. The girls then got into a heated conversation about hair and makeup. I looked at Bella who was in Esme's arms and sighed. I guess it would be nice to have Bella be told how beautiful and wonderful she is. It would be a real confidence booster for her and it's not like there is going to be an issue with money. Why not give it a shot? Alice turned to me with a smile even the Cheshire Cat couldn't beat.

"I knew you'd come around! In fact, everyone including the men are going to her first pageant. You're all going to help get her ready and I made custom t-shirts! They're pink! I'm so excited!" Alice said as she skipped out of the room with Rosalie in tow.

"Way to go Edward. Now we have to wear stupid pink t-shirts and go to a pageant." Emmett said as he got back to his video games. Why am I always the one who ruins everything? Let's just hope this experience goes smoothly.


Today was pageant day. Yuck. It's three in the morning and Alice is packing everything up. Apparently this pageant's theme is Halloween. We had her beauty dress and her Halloween wear in a box. All her hair and makeup things are going separate with Alice. She doesn't trust anyone with her makeup. Everything about this pageant is fake. Just yesterday we had to give Bella her first spray tan. Since it was cold against her skin she started to cry. Let me tell you, she has a pair of lungs.

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