"And who your friend with you?" Michael asks not taking his eyes off of Laura.

"She's my sister's friend Laura." I turn around and she is talking with the director. I turn back to face the guys. "She's here to decorate some of the sets." I tell them.

"Oh I overheard she was suppose to come here about a month ago or so but she was gone setting up Liam's wedding. I still wish we could have gone to that." Luke says.

"Liam Payne's?" I ask.

"Yeah, Raven is just perfect for him." Michael says. He's in the conversation yet still looking at Laura. It's kind of creepy.

"By the way they are taking pictures this weekend I'm sure the director will talk to you about it." Luke tells me.

"Ugh, more makeup over loading."

"Yeah it's not like you need it anyway." He says making me smile.


"Yeah I'm going to go talk to Laura see you guys later." Michael says then leaves to go talk to her.

"Warning, she's kind of a big fan." I say but he doesn't seem to listen.

"I would love to stay and chat but I'm done and I have a date." Calum says.

"You welcome." I say.

He just smiles at me and keeps walking.

"Two of the four may be having girlfriends soon."


"Michael and Calum."

"And hopefully me, would you like to go out for dinner?" Luke asks. I eyes widen and I see Ashton's as well. Why is he surprised?

"I would love too." I say.

"Great I'll pick you up later." He says.

"Do I have to change?" I ask as Luke and I walk to the cab I came here in.

"No, you're perfect the way you are." He says kisses me on the cheek and then walks back to Ashton. I look down and feel my cheeks heat up a little.

I look back in that direction and Luke, Michael, and Laura are all there but Ashton is no where to be seen.

I see Laura wave and then come to the car.

"Oh wow you'll never guess what happened." She says as we get in the car.

"Michael asked you on a date?" I ask.

"How did you know?"

"I could tell."

"Oh, well did Luke ask you on a date?" She asks.

"It's not a date it's a get together to see if he deserves a date." I tell her.

"One of my friends use to say that." She says.

"It's a quote from Smallville." I tell her.

"That would why."

We get back to my house and watch TV, after a couple of shows in silence Laura talks, "You seem sort of nervous for your date."

"Nervous? Why would you think that?"

"You've been rustling with a bunch of tissues and don't seem very focused." I don't say anything and look at my phone, "Wait a minute is this your first date?"

"First technical date I've hung out with guys before and I've had my first kiss and stuff but no one has ever had the guts to ask me out."

"Why's that?"

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