"Yeah but he was obviously also talking about sex, maybe he is better than me."

"Remus, I've never had sex with anyone other than you, but I think you're better than he is. Even if he was better than you, which I highly doubt, I love you Remus, not him."

I nodded and smiled at her. "I hope you kick Lockhart's arse at Quidditch."

"I will," she smirked, "I promise."


*Game Day*

~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

James was on the Quidditch Pitch telling us the game plan. There never is a game plan though so it's usually just a pep talk.

"We have to kick Ravenclaw's arse. It's the only chance we have of winning the Quidditch Cup for now. Those Slytherin bastards already beat us but Ravenclaw will most likely beat them since Ravenclaw is better than Slytherin this season. And somehow both Ravenclaw and Slytherin lost to Hufflepuff so if we win the rest of our games and Slytherin loses the rest while Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw win at least one more game that's not against us, we've won the Quidditch Cup. Unfortunately we don't have Sirius since he argued with Madam Hooch too much about a certain thing last game so he's the announcer. Marlene, you're taking his place as a Chaser and I know you'll do great."

It really was a ridiculous argument he was having with Madam Hooch.

We lost against Slytherin by ten points. Frank Longbottom was the Keeper in this game. Sirius was angry because he believed they cheated since they pretended to throw the quaffle in one hoop, throwing Frank off, and then throwing it in another hoop, which ended up being the winning shot before the Slytherin Seeker caught the snitch, ending up with a Slytherin win by ten points. He argued about it with Madam Hooch being the stupid mutt he is, and then was put out for the next game because of it. It was all fun and games until he was put out, James was furious at him. Remus tried calming James down by saying it was just a game. Key word: tried, James shot back with "what do you mean it's just a game? Moony that is bullocks, Quidditch runs through all our veins and controls life itself. If I were Y/n I'd break up with you right now for your ignorance."

*back to present time*

We all got on our brooms and I blew a kiss to Remus before the match began.

"Wow Y/n giving Remus some suggestions for later tonight. We all know what kisses lead to."

"Mister Black, do try to be more appropriate this time while announcing."

"I'll try Professor McGonagall, but I can't promise you anything."

"Very well."

I kind of forgot Sirius was announcing.

"Lockhart, I suggest you stop staring at Y/n before it gets too creepy. Remus might kill you."

"Mister Black!"

"Sorry! That's why I said no promises."

I chuckled. Classic Sirius. Lily and Remus were together watching me and James in the stands. It was obvious they were worried about us, no one has been known to die at a Hogwarts Quidditch match, but it's still a bit of a rough sport. The game soon started. I rushed ahead feeling the crisp cool wind whipping my face. Marlene threw me the Quaffle. I tried scoring but realized it'd be blocked, so I passed it to James and he made the first shot.

"That's right Ravenclaw! 10-0! Lily Evans's boyfriend James bloody Potter just scored on your arses!"


Moonlight and Chocolate (A Young Remus Lupin x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें