Chapter Fifteen:

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Previously on His Last Hope:

Hope was frozen to the spot as she looked at Lucy's burnt corpse. "She's burned herself alive," Hope whimpered. "She's burned herself alive. Oh, God..." Hope began to hyperventilate. "Oh, God."

"Hope. Hope!" Elijah shook his niece by her shoulders. "Hope, darling, breathe. This is not your fault."

"Isn't it?" Hope whispered hoarsely. "Did you not hear what her last words were? This is on you. That's what she said!" Hope shook violently as hot tears streamed down.

"Sweetheart, don't do this to yourself!" Elijah pulled Hope towards him and held her close. "It's not your fault. Shh, darling."

Hope shook as she cried in her uncle's shoulder. "People around me die and that's my fault."

"Shh, baby," Elijah murmured as he and Kol exchanged a look.


Chapter Fifteen

Elijah was standing in the courtyard. He watched as the burnt corpse was cleared by Klaus' hybrids. He could not believe what had happened only a few hours ago. There was a soft sound behind him, but Elijah did not turn around. "How is she?" 

"She's finally asleep after Vincent made her a special herbal tea. Hayley and Aiden are with her," Marcel murmured. He looked up at Klaus, who was watching from the balcony. "Any ideas what happened?"

"I know as much as you do," Elijah spoke.

"How the hell did she get in?" Klaus sped down and stood next to his brother. "Only the Mikaelsons, Vincent, Aiden, Marcel and the select few whom I trust are allowed within the vicinity of our home."

"Maybe Hope let her in? They could be friends..." Marcel spoke.

"Hope doesn't make friends easily," Elijah said. "Not to mention the fact that she has not been in New Orleans for 3 years. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this... Lucy, she has been here for barely a year." Finally tearing his eyes away from the charred remains, Elijah addressed the other two men. "Where is Kol?"

"He's trying to find answers." Marcel sighed. "Told him to wait, but he wouldn't listen so Rebekah went with him."

"This was Tristan, make no mistake about it," Klaus snarled. "He did this to get to Hope."

"How do you know for sure?"

"Because, brother, he has been tormenting her." Klaus looked at Elijah. "Elijah, when I kill that son of a bitch, I do not want you to stop me. Do you understand?"

However, Elijah was saved from answering as distraction arrived in the form of Vincent, who was leaning from the balcony. "Guys, it's Hope! Something's happening to her." 

Klaus, Marcel and Elijah sped into Hope's room, where Aiden was holding her hand to his mouth, his eyes red and his hair tousled. Hayley, who was cradling Hope's head in her lap, spoke. "She's dreaming." Though Hope was muttering and trembling, her eyes remained shut. "I don't know if she can hear us. Hope? Can you hear me? Baby, it's mommy. I'm here."

 "No, please..." Hope moaned, "don't... don't hurt them... please," Hope began to shake violently.

"I'm here, baby," Klaus knelt beside her and held her other hand. "Daddy's here, princess."

*in Hope's mind*

"Please don't hurt them," Hope was now pleading. "Please, they're my family!"

"Do as I say and they will be fine," Tristan crooned. 

"Why won't you leave us alone?" 

"Because we are meant to be." Tristan chuckled. "Sure, we're oil and water, but we are destined to be together. We're destined for greatness, together."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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