Chapter One:

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It was raining heavily in the French Quarter. Shivering in the fierce wind, Hope Mikaelson ran under a canopy to seek shelter. Minutes passed and the rain continued, heavier than ever before.

"Damn it," she muttered as she took out her phone. Seeing that the battery was almost dead, she groaned. "Damn it, damn it, please don't die on me, not now. Especially not now."

More time passed and Hope watched as people continued to go about their business. She pressed her back against the brick wall, hoping no one looked at her twice. She was not supposed to be here. Finally, the rain began to ease and Hope took her hands out of her pockets. She looked around and watched as the small shops began to close.

"Excuse me," she began as a tall, well-dressed man walked past her.

The suited man stopped and looked at her.

"How may I help you?"

"I was wondering if you knew of a local payphone? Within walking distance? It's been a while since I-"

"A payphone?"

"Yes, you know, one of those phones the general public uses?"

"I know what a payphone is," the man snapped.

"Well, sorry for bothering you, clearly you have somewhere to be." Hope said coldly as she glanced at his fancy attire.

The man looked at her for a few more seconds, curiosity evident in his dark eyes.

"I haven't seen you here before."

"That's because I haven't been around for a while." Hope looked around again.

"Your accent, it's...peculiar."

"It's British." Hope looked at him suspiciously. "Don't you have somewhere to be? After all, you're suited and booted to the nines. Though when I lived here, everyone was dressed up."

The man nodded. "Walk on until you see the bookstore, from there, turn left until you see the town square. In the town square, you will see a bar. Behind the bar, there is another street, where you will see a newsagent. Outside said newsagent is a payphone."

Hope blinked at the man. "Thanks!"

The man smiled, "You are welcome. I am William, William Parker."



"Yes, Hope. Stupid name, huh?"

"Not at all," the man smiled, "It's beautiful. It shows that you were once someone's hope, someone's salvation. It is a beautiful name."

Hope looked at William. "Thank you." She thought of her father and felt a pang. Was I his salvation?

William tipped his hat down as a mark of respect and he walked off, his long coat getting wet in the rain.

"I've never seen you before either," Hope murmured to herself. "I'm surprised."

She looked towards the end of the street and debated going to find the payphone. There was a sudden flash of lightning before a clap of thunder. "Oh, great, God's wrath is upon us."

Looking up at the canopy, Hope knew it was not going to hold on for much longer. She was about to walk off when she sensed something.

Hope smiled as two large hands covered her eyes.

"Guess who?" A deep voice murmured in her ear.

"The pope?" Hope asked. She waited.

There was a low chuckle as Hope felt herself being turned around.

"Hey," Hope smiled. "Where were you, babe?"

"I couldn't find my jacket and when I found my jacket, I couldn't find my keys. Then I had to wait for the driver at the hotel." Aiden sighed. "I...I'm just nervous, baby, you know, I actually feel sick."

"We're gonna be fine." Hope breathed. "He's gonna be cordial. He won't have a choice, I mean, it's been almost 3 years since I left New Orleans." Hope stood on her tiptoes and kissed Aiden's cheek. "We're gonna be fine. At least we have each other, Aiden, right?"

"I suppose so," Aiden chuckled.

"We are gonna be okay. I'll protect you." Hope smiled.

"With your super strength and magic?" Aiden asked seriously.

Hope nodded sadly. "Are you sure you're okay with me being a tribrid?"

"A tribrid?" Aiden frowned. "Babe, is that another new thing you are?"

"No," Hope chuckled. "It's just an unofficial word for what I really am. Werewolf. Vampire. Witch. A trio, hence a tribrid."

"Vampire?" Aiden asked.

"Not like Dracula, I promise. I don't drink blood. I haven't, not since I've been with you. Look, if you're not okay with me being a tribrid, maybe we shouldn't have com-" Hope was cut off when Aiden placed his lips on hers, kissing her lightly.

"Does that show you that I accept you for who you are?" Aiden smirked.

"Yes," Hope whispered. The two stood in each other's arms and Hope closed her eyes as she sighed. "I love you," she murmured into his shoulder.

"I love you more, my beautiful Hope."

Hope giggled as she breathed in his scent.

"Shall we go back to the hotel? The weather isn't going to get better. Maybe coming here was a mistake. I mean, I don't wanna rake up the past again, not after the way I left things a few years ago."

Aiden looked into Hope's bright blue eyes and smiled. "Don't make any rash decision, after all, we flew so many hours from London to New bloody Orleans."

Hope chuckled before she hugged Aiden again. "I just hope it goes well if I do decide to see my family again."

"What do you feel, in your heart?" Aiden asked softly.

"I'm torn. I mean, I wanna see them. But then I wanna run and never look back, especially at my father." Hope mumbled. "He's a monster, he's the worst monster of them all."

"Let's go back to London then," Aiden murmured as he pulled Hope closer to him. "Let's go back home and never look back."

"Never look back, ever," Hope whispered as she closed her eyes and breathed in Aiden's safe scent.

There was another flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder. People passed as Hope and Aiden stood together, hugging. Suddenly, the canopy blew off, soaking them to the skin. Despite the cold rain drenching them through, Aiden and Hope continued to embrace, blocking the rest of the world out.

"Well, well, well, look who rolled back into town after all this time."

Hope and Aiden broke apart and Hope turned around, stunned.

There you have it. My first chapter! I hope you liked it! I am very excited to explore Hope's story. If you haven't checked out my other work, please visit my own account, Smileygal05001.


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