Chapter Ten:

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"Will that work?" Klaus demanded.

"It has to," Hayley whispered as she held Hope's hand.

"Let's take her inside..." Kol murmured. "Away from prying eyes."

"I can help."

It was Tristan.

Klaus snarled as he tried to get to Tristan but Kol and Elijah pulled him back.

"What do you know?" Hayley asked in a low voice.

"It was me."

Everyone looked at the newcomer. It was Aiden.

Tristan frowned while Klaus' eyes were dangerous slits.

Chapter Ten:

"What do you mean?" Hayley asked.

"I was the one who slipped the poison in Hope's drink."

Everyone was silent, both stunned about what had happened and wary of what could ensue in the next few moments. Hayley glanced at Klaus, who was now shaking with unimaginable anger. She looked at Aiden again, who was staring ahead, his eyes dead.

"I don't believe it," Kol murmured. "How could he have? He's been with me, drinking!"

"Hate to agree with Kol, but neither do I." Rebekah said.

"I poisoned Hope." Aiden repeated.

"When?" Rebekah challenged. "You couldn't have. What's your motive? There isn't one! Hope is your girlfriend so why would you harm her?"

"He's not the first boyfriend to try to harm her." Marcel pointed out.

"Toby's brother tried to kill Hope, not Toby." Rebekah reminded Marcel, who smiled.

"I poisoned Hope." Aiden murmured.

Rebekah watched him carefully.

"So you keep saying." Hayley sighed.

Klaus made a sudden move, but Elijah stopped him.

"You will not feel better after harming the boy."

"Oh, brother, how you have underestimated me! I will be feeling bloody fantastic after I rip his head off!" Klaus yelled as he walked towards Aiden, who made no attempt to move out of his way.

"Niklaus, halt." Elijah commanded. "Niklaus, I said stop!"

Klaus stopped a few feet from Aiden, fury radiating from him.

Calmly, Elijah walked towards Aiden.

"Aiden. Did you do this to my niece?"

"I poisoned Hope." Aiden murmured.

"No, no, no, that's not what I asked. Let's try again. Did you do this to Hope?" Elijah asked again.

"I poisoned Hope."

"Uh..." Hayley looked from Aiden to Elijah, "Why does he keep saying that?"

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