"Stop teasing me and go to bed. Sleep, sweet darling."

"G'night, Harry."

"Katie, please stop fussing. I am OK, really." Mel admonishes me as I tuck the fluffy blanket around her feet on the sofa and ask her if I can get her anything for the tenth time.

The Doctor came earlier and did a couple of tests, and told us there were traces of the date rape drug, Rohypnol in her system. He said she would be fine in a day or two and to drink lots of water and take things easy until she feels back to her normal self. Rohypnol. Date rape.

These words have been running through my mind all day. Why would someone do that to my Mel?

"I just want to look after you. That's all." I answer her and place the TV remote in her hand.

"Katie, I love you, but you're driving me mad! It is not your fault that this happened. Please stop beating yourself up and go to work. I'll be fine. Honestly"

"OK, OK, I'm going. What time is Lee coming over?" I ask.

I wanted to cancel work tonight, but Mel insisted she'd be fine. Eventually, we compromised on her inviting over her friend from college so that she wouldn't have to be alone.

"In like, ten minutes." She says, looking at the clock. "So please, bugger off already."

I lean down and kiss her swiftly on the forehead.

"OK. I'm going. I have my phone though if you need..." A pillow flies across the room in my general direction, cutting me off. It didn't even come close to hitting me, but I take it as a sign that I am testing Mel's patience.

"Bye! Love you!" I call as I hurry out the front door and head to work.

Thankfully, by Tuesday Mel seems to be back to her old self again. Although the experience has clearly shaken her and she's quieter than usual, she assures me she isn't getting headaches any more and feels perfectly fine. So I attempt to stop badgering her about it and trust that she'll come to me if she needs to.

It already feels like this week has lasted forever, and the last two and a half weeks have felt even longer than that.

I can't wait for Harry to get home on Sunday, I didn't realise it was possible to miss someone so much after only knowing them for such a short time, but I feel like he took a part of me with him when he went away and there is a hole in my chest that won't quite close.

His tour has been going well, and he's had a few days off between his last show in New Zealand and the final two coming up in Japan, so he's been getting a bit of well earned rest.
I've just got out of the bath after a long shift at work when my phone beeps, announcing a text.

I have a favour to ask... but before I do, I need you to promise me you'll at least think about it before you say no. OK? H x

OK... I promise. But of course, I'll do whatever favour you need. What's up? xx"

I reply, hoping he doesn't need anything picked up from Gucci, I don't fancy going back there again just yet.

Will you and Mel, come to the final show? H x

I stare down at my phone for nearly two full minutes, reading and re-reading the text.

He wants me to go to Japan??! Eventually, I pull myself together enough to respond.

Are you kidding? Is this another one of your silly jokes? xx

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