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"Wait, what did he say?" Paris asks, widening her eyes.

"That's exactly what I thought too," I agree, crossing my arms.

"How do you even know that Grayson isn't lying?" she questions, pulling a book out of her locker.

"Because he showed me a voice recording. He wanted me to listen to the other one but I was too mad to," I sigh, pushing my books into my locker that is besides hers.

"What do you think it's about?" she asks, closing her locker door.

"Not sure, but he was really nervous about it and I-" I get cut off by two arms wrapping around me.

"Hey gorgeous," Aaron whispers, I shove his arms off, turning on my heels to face him.

"Woah, are you okay?" he asks, taken back.

"Leave me alone," I say, staring at him.

"What did I do?" he asks, raising his voice a little. His face suddenly drops when realisation hits him.

"I can expla-" he goes to apologise but I stop it.

"You think Paris is a bitch? You only want the sexual part of this relationship. And you don't love me?" I ask, putting my bawled up fists behind my back.

"Kennedy no I -"

"You know what I think Aaron? I think that you are the biggest fucking douchebag. You don't get to go around treating girls like this so you can get pleasure out of it," I shove him slightly.

Aaron's face goes pale, as I stand across from him.

"Kennedy come on," he says, grabbing my wrist. It's almost like he wanted me to follow him somewhere.

"No!" I argue, pulling my hand out of his grasp. I watch his eyes uncontrollably start water, before he dashed off towards the end of the hall.
I furrow my eyebrows, standing there dumbfounded.

Multiple gun shot sounds, causing me to snap my head around to the direction. Two students drop to the floor, bleeding badly.

A young looking man, stands there with an AK47. His face is completely covered with a mask. Paris sees it also, beginning to shake.

My eyes widen, as I feel my body go stiff. The stranger lifts the gun up in our direction.

"Let's go!" I yell to Paris, pulling her to the end of the hall. My body feels weak, not prepared for this at all.

We bang on the classroom doors, begging the students or teachers to let us in.

The students inside laugh, obviously unaware of what's happening. I roll my eyes, before we begin running again.

"Warning! The school has gone into a lockdown! Lock all doors, and stay away from any chance of being seen by the intruder."

I look behind me, seeing the stranger peeking through the class windows. The girls scream, as teachers start to lock the doors.

"Oh my God," I whisper, "we're getting locked out."

Teachers from every class lock the doors, almost in unison. My heart falls into my stomach, this could honestly be the last day of my life.

Paris covers her mouth, as we step away from the corner where the halls meet. We head to where more of the main classes are, knowing they have bigger windows.

I bang on the glass, miming the words "help." The teacher moves to the door, shaking her head.

"I can't, I'm sorry," she whispers, shaking her head. I hear footsteps approaching from behind us. Paris looks at me, in shock.

The teacher pulls down a little curtain that hangs down the small glass window. I look around, as Paris starts running again. I try run again, but not very fast.

I hear another gun shot, screeching past my ear. I hear Paris scream. My eyes widen, as I begin sprinting towards the end of this hall.

"Did he get you?" I ask, panicking. She shakes her head, as she cries softly.

"It just pierced through my jacket," she says scared, pulling a loose piece of fabric on her right side.

"Thank God," I sigh in relief. I look back at where the guy is, who is watching us.

I stare at him, curious. Who is he? Why is he doing this? Why hasn't he killed us yet?

He slowly starts walking towards us, as Paris and I begin backing away. The exit is right behind us, then we can flee.

The stranger begins running, causing us to start running. I reach my arms out, ready to push the door open. My hands make contact with it, pushing the glass. It doesn't move.

"Shit. The lockdown would've locked every door," Paris groans in frustration. I reach for my pockets, rushing to find my phone.

I pull it out, thinking about calling the police. I try turning my phone on, which shows the dead battery signal. I throw my phone at the wall, as the stranger gets closer.

"What do we do?" I ask, grabbing Paris's arm. She looks at me, her eyes bloodshot red.

"I don't know," she blinks.

"Get away from us!" I scream, feeling like that's my only option.

The stranger lifts the gun, shooting once again. I feel a piercing pain scrape my ear. I touch it with my finger, feeling blood get on it.

"Fuck," I whine, as quietly as I can. Paris lets go of my arm.

"We're going to die," she says, standing there petrified.

"I'm not going to kill you," the stranger says in a deep voice, "yet."

He steps closer, keeping the gun up. I squint my eyes shut, hugging Paris's arm for some sort of relief.

The man yells, followed by some thuds on the floor. I open my eyes slowly, to see Grayson on top of the man, punching him.

"Grayson!" I yell, pushing him off the stranger. He keeps his balance, holding my forearms. He looks down at me, then notices my ear.

"He hurt you?" he asks, overprotective. I nod, looking over to where Paris is. I'm pretty sure she is on the phone, talking to the police. The stranger looks knocked out, with a blood nose on the floor.

"I'm so glad that you're alive," he breathes out, wrapping his arms firmly around me. I rest my head on his chest, squeezing his torso. I feel tears stream down my face.

I hear some muffling noises, making me look down at the ground. The stranger lifts the gun, pointing it up.

He pulls the trigger, making heaps of bullets fly out of it. I feel everything go in slow motion. This can't be real.

We are too young to die.

The Way It Changed Us - A.C ,, G.D SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now