He actually blushes, sitting down. "Well no they are not.. they might be interested in the idea they have of me.. the image they have created... But me.. the real me they don't care much about".

"That is only because they don't know you...But seriously, you have such a beautiful voice, I could feel every word". I tell him honestly.

"Thank you, it's kind of you to say". He smiles and take another sip of his drink. "Now I just need to convince you to go up there with me and do a duet".

I am shaking my head. "Oh no, it would be such a shame letting my voice ruin yours with a duet". But deep down I already know that I am going to give in... He is a hard man to resist.

"Well I happen to believe you have a good voice, and I am usually good at predicting that". He says, his eyes telling me he means it.

"Well I am definitely too sober for that right now". I say grinning, and he quickly go to get us another drink.

"Come on, do a duet with me". I look at her, trying to make a cute face, not really knowing if I succeed. "It would so make my day".

With a couple of drinks under our belt, I hope to be able to convince her. She roll her eyes and sigh. "Okay, but something fun then, not heavy and dull".

"I know just the song". I get up, taking her hand. "How do you feel about Grease.. you're the one that I want ?"

She smiles in a teasing way, following me to the stage. "Yeah I am starting to realise.. the song is a great choice too. So let's do it".

"You cheeky little thing you". I say sending her a smile, before telling the bartender which song to put on next.

Her having told me that her father is a pastor and that she sang in the church when she was younger, I had expected her to have a clean and pretty, church inspired voice. But it turns out to be a much more smokey country like voice, that I find utterly enticing.

Without having talked about it, we kind of fall into a light version of the songs choreography, and people are on their feet clapping and singing along.

"My lady". I hold out my hand to her, and she takes it, smiling happily at me, as we makes our way back to the table. "You shouldn't be shy about singing Zaina.. I actually think you got a good voice, special but in the best of ways".

She bites her lip, looking down at the table, before raising her eyes to meet mine. "Thank you Zac, that means a lot coming from you".

Half an hour later I might be a bit tipsy and I know it is time for me to stop drinking.. I do tipsy quite well, but I am a lousy drunk, so I rarely go there any longer, had to much of that in my life. I take Zaina's hand, kissing it. "I am going to sing a song that reminds me of you".

"Ohh". She blushes so prettily and it makes my heart speed up. "You don't have to.. but.. I would love to hear what song reminds you of me".

I might be going out on a limb here, but this woman is something else, something quite different, and she don't even seem to realise... I get up on stage and ask the to put on One Direction with 'What makes you beautiful'.

My heart is threatening to break through my chest. Oh.. is that really how he feels... No he can't, I mean this is only our second date. I am normally not a girl who believes in love at first sight and such things, but the idea that he would want me, that he finds me beautiful, it kind of makes my world spin.. and no it's not just the alcohol.

When he come down to the table, I am too flustered to look up at him. I hear him pull out his chair and then he sits down, taking my hand. "I didn't mean to embarrass you.. It's just, you are so beautiful and you don't seem to realise".

"Thank you". So it was just the beautiful part he was talking about. I look up at him through my lashes, and the look in his eyes tell me that it wasn't, that he meant every word and it takes my breath away.

He just sends me a warm smile, and moments later, we are back to laughing and talking... But I can't help studying him. Those lips looks so inviting as they move when he speaks. Those big hands, honestly I imagine them on my bare skin, envisioning what they can do. Yup I kind of want him desperately to.

I wonder how to tell him, not being able to just come out and say it. So after some time, me and the alcohol throws caution to the wind and I get up, leaning in to whisper. "This one might be for you".

Then I take the stage, asking them to put on LeAnn Rimes - 'Can't fight the moonlight'

As I get down he is standing up, looking at me with eyes that suddenly seems much more green than usual. His voice low, but I still hear every word. "I am not trying to hide, not at all".

My eyes kind of get sucked into his and it is like a magnet, pulling me to him. Part of me tries to tell myself that it is ridiculous, that we just met, but I can't fight it..it really is like fighting the moonlight, like telling the world to stop turning, to try and pull down the stars.

And then before I realise I am in his arms, a small smile flashing over his lips, before I get to feel just how soft and perfect those lips really are, as they seal themself to mine, forcing the universe into a standstill, the fabric of time and space collapsing around us in a million colours.

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن