Chapter 7

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Lunar's P.O.V

The first day of classes, yeah... "Lunar get up!!!" Elizabeth shouted in my ear "stop being so loud!!!" yelled Cally. "MIND YOUR OWN CRAP!!!" yelled Elizabeth.  Danm dose our little Eliza have problems or what. I got out of bed and took a shower, after what seems a second Elizabeth yells "YOU'VE BEEN IN THERE FOR 10 MINUTES TIME TO GET OUT LUNAR!!!" this girl "STOP OVER USING MY NAME!!!" i yell back.

After an hour of us getting ready we were done, "Thank god we all made it in one piece" sighed Milly "yeah i guess you can say that" Emma said taking a few steps back.

Milly, Elizabeth, and I have the same classes so we walked together. Which was well awkward, very awkward. "so, how did you guys sleep" asked Milly "fine," i said, Elizabeth just kept walking without a word. 

Milly's P.O.V

"Do you guys have any plans for after school?" i asked "No?" Lunar said "What about you Elizabeth?" i asked "No, i don't?" she said in her usual tone. "Well lets all got dress shopping together,"I asked really happy. "Sure that seems like fun" Lunar said "Do i have to say yes," Elizabeth said but it sounded more like a comment, "Yes," i said.

Timeskip (dorm rooms)

All the girls where in the dorm room so I asked if they wanted to come, they all said yes i guess you can't miss out on dress shopping. 

Elizabeth's P.O.V

When we got to the dress store i kinda wander off. And i didn't know where i was, and i didn't like dresses it was like a nightmare. I wasn't scared but i was just weirded out how girls, like dressing like these, because of my style which, is white collar shirt and a blue skirt and black dress shoes. I picked the closest ball gown dress i saw.

I was by myself for about three hours until i found those girls. They all had there dressed in a white dress bag so no one could see it, they saw i had a dress and smiled. I swear death is their future. 


Word count: 362


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