Chapter 3

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Red fountain 

Leo's P.O.V

"Sir" i said

 "yes?" our school's headmaster said 

"the professors of Alpha are wondering if we're able to make the plan date for the welcome back dance," i ask

 "yes, tell them that were free" 

ok what else Oh.." the console has sent a letter for you" I said handing him the letter. He opened it and read it. As i was waiting for what else to do for him 

"don't you have unpacking to do?" he asked me obviously wanting me to leave. 

"no sir" I said giving him a straight answer, looking him in the eye as he and i talked. 

 "Well i have work and i don't need you here to distract me," He said to me

 "yes i understand.....father," I tell him as i walk out and head to my dorm. When i reach my door i see a young boy with green eyes struggling to get into my dorm room. "Hey?" i say 

"Oh hey" he turns around and knew exactly who he was. Prince Andrew of Andros, "hey" he says more confidently, I smile 

"hey". When i opened the door it was the same as i left but the only difference was that we got back Nathan and Hansol were on the couch. 

After we all caught up me and Nathan walked out to talk about something. "So any leads?" i ask he answers with 

"well we have one but thats it" 

hmm wonders what it is "what is it?". 

"The next meeting at Alpha College for fairies at the time of the dance" why there?

 "Whats so special about that location?", "i don't know but we'll find out next week at the dance," he says when we start talking about other things, like how our summer. 

---Time Skip--- (bedtime)

 When Nathan and i got to the dorms we say all our roommates "so is everyone here"I hear someone ask

 "yeah" Hansol replied

 "so who's all here"  Andrew ask

 "what do you mean, like everyone in this dorm?" Nathan asks 


"well there's Andrew, Nathan, Leo, Tyler, Hansol, Caleb, and Blain" oh gawd "so were an extended dorm" Hansol spoke 


 "Well im going to hit the hay night," i say then clime in my bed and doze of.


Word Count: 393

393! IM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER!!! WElp VOet, Follow Me and YEah...

Current day/ march 2020: So im not going to edit this.. Or should I? I don't know. Just pause a lot when you read, k? BYE!

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