Eye Contact - Luke Brooks Fanfiction

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He saw you across the crowd; he kept going off track, missing his lines, tripping up. You were worried about him, you started to stare at him hoping he is okay. You realised that he was staring at you and when you made eye contact he would look away shyly. He began to joke around with the other boys, as if he is trying to show off infront of you and only you. He keeps looking over at you and doing his cute half smirk. You went to the tour hoping he would notice you and give you a wave or even blow a kiss at you. You didn't expect this type of thing to happen, you thought he was just having a laugh at first but his facial expressions started to get more serious. The show ended and you were gutted, you were just leaving the venue, wondering if the shared eye contact meant anything, hoping something would come of it. As you walked through the final door someone grabbed your shoulder, you turned round and it was him, Luke Brooks.

As he tried to speak to you, he was messing up his words, he was sweating and he kept blushing. You gave him a hug and told him you loved him. When he had calmed down he asked you to come back to his dressing room because he wanted to speak to you. Beau came out and gave Luke a smile that said well done. Luke seemed so happy but anxious at the same time. He sat you down and stuttered a bit and told you he had saw you and felt a funny feeling that he had never felt before. As you listened to him you felt butterflies in your stomach, wondering if it was a dare or a joke. But you know he wouldnt do that and his actions were so genuine. 

Luke continued to explain his feelings to you. You had never seen this side to him before, you never thought that the Luke Brooks could be this shy. His big, cute brown eyes looking right into yours. You had never felt so happy before, all of your problems had vanished, for that moment everything felt perfect. Jai walked in and joked with Luke, you loved watching them having a quiet joke around. Jai whispered something to Luke and instantly his face went red and blushy and Jai gave you a hopeful smile. You were so happy that he saw you over the crowd and it was you that he made a connection with, out of the thousands and thousands that were there, it was you.

Your phone rang, 'Mum' was ringing. She was wondering where you were and why you arent home yet. You told her that Luke had taken you to his dressing room to speak. She didnt believe you. You handed the phone to Luke and he explained everything. Your mum was a bit worried but knew that he would look after you and keep you safe. Luke giggled and said that your mum sounded funny because her Scottish accent was so strong. You both laughed together, you began to feel much more comfortable and relaxed. The chemistry between the two of you was instant, you looked at eachother and smiled. Luke explained that in the short time that you had spent together, you made him feel so precious and admired. The feeling was mutual.

Hours went by and you were just still sitting with Luke, you were having a perfect time until he saw some pills in your bag, he looked at them and then looked at you, you broke down into tears. Everyone judges you for having these pills in your bag because they arent ordinary painkillers. He held your hand and softly asked you what they were for. Wondering if you should tell him, incase he would judge you and stop speaking to you. Of course something was going to ruin your utopia when all of your problems were vanished and felt as if they were gone for good. He looked straight in to your eyes and said,

''I won't judge you, trust me.''

You began to explain that you have mental health issues and that you have bipolar disorder. Whilst continuing your explanation luke put his arm round you and told you that you were safe with him. As you felt more comfortable you told him more secret information, telling him what can happen in the highs and lows of the mania and depression episodes involved in bipolar disorder. Your eyes started to fill, you had never opened up as much as you were. It felt good letting out all of your emotions and telling Luke everything. He started getting upset, he hated that you feel so alone and paranoid. Luke begged you not to do anything silly and told you how much he wants you to stay. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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