The Doctor Dances: Chapter 25

Start from the beginning

"Why doesn't he know?", Rose asked.

"Are you there, mummy? Mummy?"


"Mummy? Please, mummy. Mummy?", the recording continued as I paced around the child's room, Savannah now standing close by in a corner of the room, with a slight frown on her face.

"Doctor?", Rose asked, looking at me while I paced.

"Can you sense it?", I asked them.

"It's really....", Savannah trailed off, looking slightly uncomfortable, meaning she must sense it.

"Sense what?", Jack asked me, confused.

"It's coming out of the walls," Savannah said quietly.

"Can you feel it?," I asked Rose and Jack.


I stopped pacing when I saw their confused expressions.

'How can they not feel it?', I thought.

"Funny little human brains, how do you get around in those things?", I asked them.

Savannah walked over and cupped my cheeks in her hands, "I know you're stressed, sweetie, and when you're stressed, you insult species, but I'd really appreciative, I think we all would, actually, if you would stop insulting the species when we're in the room. You do remember that whenever you're insulting humans, you're insulting me, right? It's not very nice," she said, her hands moving to rub my chest slowly.

I looked at her for a few seconds, before answering, "You're right. I wasn't insulting you, but I'm sorry if you feel offended. I didn't mean to make you feel that way....To be honest though, you do know a lot more than most humans, so, again, I wasn't actually insulting you, just the rest of the human race. I-." I stopped talking abruptly when I noticed Savannah's expression on her face and immediately cupped her face, "You're right. I'm sorry, I'll stop."
I was about to kiss her on the lips, but before our lips met, she swerved her head to the side slightly, so that I ended up kissing her on the cheek. Immediately after that, she untangled herself from me and walked back into the room where the tape recorder was.

"Mummy, please?"

I sighed before getting back to the situation at hand. "There are these children, living rough around the bomb sites. They come out during air raids, looking for food."


"Suppose they were there when this thing, whatever it was, landed?", I asked.

"It was a med-ship. It was harmless," Jack insisted.

"Yes, you keep saying 'harmless.' Suppose 1 of them was infected, altered?"

"Altered how?", Rose asked me.

"Sweetie...", I heard Savannah say, but carried on thinking.

"I'm here!"

"It's afraid, terribly afraid and powerful. It doesn't know it yet, but it will do," I continued.


"It's got the power of a god, and I just sent it to its room," I chuckled slightly, as I realised the tape had ended.

"Doctor?...", Rose asked, looking at me.


"I'm here! Can't you see me?"

"What's that noise?", Rose asked me.

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