The Unquiet Dead: Chapter 14

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They have a seance and meet the Gelth.

Hope you like it!


Savannah's POV

We were now back in the parlour room, sitting around a table with 6 chairs. The Doctor sat in between myself and Gwyneth, with Dickens sitting on her other side. In between Rose and I, sat Mr Sneed.

"This is how Madam Mortlock summons those from the Land of Mists, down in Mid Town. Come, we must all join hands," Gwyneth explained. However, everyone but Dickens joined in.

Instead, he scoffed and stood up, ready to leave, "I can't take part in this."

"Humbug? Come on, open your mind," the Doctor said to him.

"This is precisely the sort of cheap mummery I strive to unmask. Seances? Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeeze box concealed between the knees. This girl knows nothing," Charles said.

"Now, don't antagonise her," the Doctor said to Dickens and then looked at me, smiling, "I love a happy medium."

I chuckled and smiled at him, "Sweetie! I can't believe you just said that!"

The Doctor looked back at Dickens, "Come on, we might need you."

However, he started to walk away. I quickly stood up, letting go of the Doctor's hand, and just called out to him, "Come on...please?"

Charles slowly turned around, stared at me for a few seconds before smiling and said, "Alright, I'll stay." He then looked at the Doctor and told him, "But only because your lovely lady asked me to," and he quickly sat back down, smiling at me again. He grabbed onto Rose and Gwyneth's hands.

I, too, quickly sat back down and smiled brightly at him, before grabbing onto the Doctor's hand and smiled warmly at him. He smiled right back at me, with a twinkle of emotion in his eyes.

The Doctor looked at Charles, "Good man. Now, Gwyneth," he said, looking at her, "reach out."

Gwyneth nodded slightly and started, "Speak to us. Are you there? Spirits, come. Speak to us so that we may relieve your burden."

Suddenly, we could all hear whispering.

"Can you hear that?", Rose asked, wanting to make sure we could heart it to.

However, Charles still didn't want to believe it, "Nothing can happen. This is sheer folly!"

"Look at her!", I instructed him, watching as Gwyneth had her head tilted up to the ceiling.

"I can see them. I can feel them," Gwyneth told us.

We looked up in the same direction to see the blue gas.

I tried to make out what the whispers were saying, but failed, "What's it saying?", I asked.

"They can't get through the rift," the Doctor told me, then turned to look at Gwyneth again. "Gwyneth, it's not controlling you, you're controlling it. Now, look deep. Allow them through."

"I can't!," she refused, shaking her head.

"Yes you can, Gwyneth. Just believe. We have faith in you. Make the link," I encouraged her.

I felt the Doctor squeeze my hand gently to convey his thanks, as we watched as Gwyneth finally made the link and 3 blue gas-like figures appeared behind her.

"Great god!", Mr Sneed exclaimed in shock, "Spirits from the other side!"

"The other side of the universe," the Doctor and I corrected him together. I felt him gently squeeze my hand again.

Savannah Tyler Where stories live. Discover now