Chapter 20

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Okay guys we've made it to chapter 20!!

Thanks for sticking with me this long. I'm sorry for the long waits. I got back from California awhile back and then i had to backup my computer cus I have to send it in to get fixed. So I havent had time to type a new chapter even though i've been on the computer like constantly. Anyway enough of my excuses. On to the story.

FYI.We left off with Serenity leaving with mr tall dark and


Bastian leads me to his car and I have to just about drool. He drives a black Hennessey Venom GT that is as close to perfection as a car can get.                                                                              Windows tinted ebony; the vehicle gleams in a dark mysterious beauty.

On the other side of the car Bastian has his door open and I can see a hint of amusement as he sees me take in the view. His head disapears into the vehicle, a brief chuckle breezing out of his mouth before the door shuts quietly behind him. Taking one last look I move the last step to tentatively reach for the handle. This car could eaisily cost more than ten years of my salary.

The interior is a cacoon of shiny black leather with muted lighting glinted off  a shimmering chrome and onyx dash. The comfort I feel as I sit is strange considering the person I am seated next to.

The leather seat lets off a subtle heat from the sunlight filtering through the windshield. All this combined with a slight masculine scent of ....I guess Bastian, all together giving my senses a caress of awareness to my surroundings.

After absorbing all this I glance over at Bastian who seems to have been watching my reactions the whole time; causing me to blush at his searching facial expression. I give him a shy smile which breaks the force of his gaze;  though the look of speculation never entirely leaves his countenance.

His hands project calm control as he guides the key to the ignition and levers the key bringing the car to a purring rumble.

The feeling as the car lets loose its low thunder is close to that of nearing a quaking subwoofer symphony at a dubstep concert. I could feel it through my feet and my whole body, evidence of the barely contained power of the machine Bastian commanded with little effort. 

After a moment of relative silence I rotate in my seat to see Bastian more clearly, to check if he would tell our destination. Raising my voice above the quiet hum of the engine I ask  "So do we know where we are headed?" 

His face lightens showing his humor as he says "I wondered when you'd get around to asking." at this he chuckles, making his eyes sparkle with michief. "I could have driven in circles and you'd never have noticed considering your intense inspection of my car. Is it really that enthralling to you?"  

At this I have to grin ruefully at myself as I realize I had been doing just that, like a toddler in a candy store for the first time I couldn't help not admiring the unknown novelty of it. In answer to Bastian I just nod my head as I make full contact with his eyes.   He holds my gaze not even pretending to try and watch the road, when I throw a cautious look to the road the car is perfectly steady, centered on the lines passing by. Glancing back to him I raise my eyebrow and settle back into my seat.

Not missing my look he smiles and turns his head back to the front and addresses me in an offhand manner. "So, what types of food do you like?"

"I'm not all that picky. I like most of your normal food genres.     Chinese, Italian,...American.--- Ummm...
Oh! One I'm not fond of is Greek. Mostly because it has too many spices for me I guess.The only thing that I like so far that was greek was Baklava. "

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