Chapter 8

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lol cant really remember where I left off on the story last time... so, I guess I will just write 4 now and review later. Sorry ya'all for the long delay. But homeworks crazy right now. uggggh...........


*********************************************************************************************************** I believe we ended on

...I'm Serena, what's your name?

All I get is one word
Cue the glare. And exit scene. ..........

Seriously, What is his problem?!!!

Trying to brush off the guys obvious lack of social abilities. I turn around and give Cory an inquisitive look as if to say WTF?  Giving me a confused look back he wraps a comforting arm around me and guides me back to the commons area.

We walk amiably for awhile. Cory has an amazing ability that some people have to know when to be serious and when to laugh things off.
As time goes by I find that Cory is like the living denotation of the word hillarious. He seems to have an incredible arsinal of jokes stored away, just waiting to be told. I laughed my but off when he very seriously stated: women are a puzzle and us guys seriously just lost a couple pieces in the process of fitting them together. And as he says the last words his hands mimic a veluptuously curved woman and I smack him across the shoulder. Men!  For a moment I'd thought he was being serious.


Startled I jump, knocking into Cory. Wow, guess time was passing faster than I thought....

Grumbling I say " someone needs to put a muffle on those bell systems."

With a understanding grin Cory waves as he heads off to his next class.

I wish I had a class with him...shuffling around with my books I slide into my seat   prepairing for an exciting lecture on the anatomy of a cell.(heavy on the sarcasm.) Its waaay too early in the morning for this kind of concentration. Ignoring the teacher as he starts up his speech I gaze out the window thinking of the moment of panic I'd felt last year, after I first found out how cruel students could be to a new kid. I'd been prepaired to quit the first day we got here. My arch enemy Skiavony had made her presence known by humiliating me beyond belief upon our first meeting.

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