Up & Up

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(Featured Characters: Honeydew, Lomadia, Nano, Lalna, and Xephos. Ships: Referenced Nanocoffee, Xephmadia, Brotp Nano/Xephos)

It's in your blood
Underneath the storm an umbrella is saying
Sitting with the poison takes away the pain
Up and up
Up and up

"So hows Xeph been holding up, you know.. after that happened. Has he told you anything?" Nano explains as she folds the last of their clothes and places her hands on her waist.

"Dunno, he doesn't tell me anything these days, its been a while since I've spoken to him actually, why do you worry so much he'll be fi- yow!" He yelps in pain as Nano slaps the back of his head.

"What'd you mean he'll be fine? After he lost his best friend and his girlfriend you think he'll be just okay? No Lalna." She says in a serious tone and grabs her coat. "I'm gonna go visit him, you can stay or go, but I'm choosing to be a good friend." She glares at Lalna.

"I just.. he.. he's changed Nano, and I.. I'm worried for him but, he scares me, and it's just, it's hard to approach him. " He stutters his words as he speaks.

Nano sighs. "Fine, I'm going to speak to him and try to lift his spirits up." She says before heading out.

"Be careful!" Lalna calls out.


Just need love

Just need love

After a few hours of travelling, she manages to find the lab, on the side of a mountain, a big vault door, reading "Yoglabs" in bold silver compared to the base marble. She figured he'd be here, not actually knowing if he had another home. She approaches the vault but before she could get closer, she is stopped by guards with white under suits and padded with black armor. She raises her arms up.

"I come in peace?" she says, wondering what had gone wrong with her voice. There was silence from the guards before a much smaller door opens, the dark haired man looks over to her confused as to why she is here. He soon gets close to her, but keeping a safe distance from her. Xephos gestures the guards to lower their weapons and he gives her another look.

"Why are you here?" He says bluntly, not even putting effort to show any form of interest.

Nano lowers her hands slowly. Lalna was right, he did give off an intimidating presence, she was actually afraid, but she wasn't going to back out, especially since she stirred up a lot of attention.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Gawd that was a stupid question!

Xephos scoffs, surprised by the question. "Why?"

"Because, you, that potion you gave me, it really helped with my flux, it didn't cure it, but really reduces its effects. It helped Lalna's too. I owe you, and you look like you can use some company." She explained caringly.

"There's no need to owe me anything" He says, shrugging it off and turning to excuse himself.

"Wait-!" Nano called, but he didn't stop. "Xephos, its okay to be sad, but containing it? That's not okay. You can talk to me, I know we don't know each other very well, but you can trust me. Please."

Xephos stops, and looks down, before turning and facing her, keep his distance still. "I've chosen to stop giving my heart to other, it only hurts me more, and nothing will help me get over the death of my friend. So leave. Before you are taken forcefully off my land." He turns back to walk away.

" Uh, technically this isn't your land, from where I'm standing. You come with me, talk to me, or I'm not going anywhere." She stands still, crossing her arms, she begans to whistle.

After a long loitering session, Xephos gives in. He comes out in his casual, stripped t shirt, brown pants and boots.

We're gonna get it, get it together

I know we're gonna get it, get it together somehow

We're gonna get it, get it together and flowOh whoah


It took a few minutes for Xephos to finally open up and when he did, he told her ow he was feeling and what he has recently been doing. And whilst that brought him down, she figured she'd show him some of the things her and Lalna work on. Rocket launchers, to bubble guns, to wands.

Soon she took him up in a airship ride. Xephos was silent for the most part, but enjoyed the ride. He hadn't turned away from the sky, as it was getting dark. Nano walked up to him and, made him jump when she placed both her hands on his shoulders. She giggled and he gives her a soft glare.

"So, whatcha thinking about?" Nano asked and looked at him, but he didn't face her.

"Home." Was all he said.

She soften her expression. Xephos was never in one place. No matter he was now, he always helped people find their place, and was always moving. working. He didn't feel like anywhere was home.

"Honeydew was my oldest friend. I still have him, not the real him, but him. We used to everything together, he hasn't talked to me in a long time. I felt home with him, " He moves off the side and looks around the airship.

Soon after they come to a halt and land back to Nano's base.

"You sure you don't want me to come along?" Nano asked. Xephos, needing to leave.

"I am fine. And uh, thank you Nano. I appreciated today." He nods, and gives her a weak smile.

But before he could walk off she gives him a tight hug, she could feel him tense up but eventually losen up.

"You're welcome Xephos. I'll come back soon. For another day." She smiles.

He nods and starts to walk off.

When you're in pain, when you think you've had enough

Don't ever give up

Don't ever give up, no matter how much you feel you don't belong, you feel lonely, contact people, reach out. Know someone out there loves you, let more of the world get to know you.


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