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The Supernatural fandom then sighed and waited for the fandom he was rude to to come and get some desserts. The crowd of fandoms kept getting smaller and smaller until there were a few fandoms left.

"Hey!" Supernatural called out to a fandom. "I need to talk to you!"

"Um..." The fandom paused.

"Never Understand right?" Supernatural asked.

"Yeah..." Never Understand stood there nervously. "What is it...?"

"I want to apologize for my actions and how I treated you." Supernatural looked down. "I was stupid."

"Oh..." Never Understand slightly smiled. "It's ok. Glad you apologized That really made my day."

"That's good." Supernatural smiled. "Enjoy your dessert."

"I will." Never Understand smiled once more before walking away.

"Alright there's the pie on the counter." Hetalia said.

Supernatural quickly turned around and started to eat it. Hetalia then turned to Sherlock.

"Now you." Hetalia glared. "Go apologize to the fandom you were rude to."

"Alright I will." Sherlock took off his apron and left the kitchen.

Hetalia watched Sherlock walk to a long dark hair fandom with cat ears on their head. As a matter of fact Hetalia knew the fandom. At least heard of them. The Aphmau fandom. Hetalia watched as the event happened. Everything seemed to be going well until Sherlock got slapped. Hetalia's eyes grew wide and he ran to the two.

"What happened?" Hetalia asked.

"Sherlock here tried to apologized to me but failed!" The Aphmau fandom stated. "He said 'I am sorry that you can't handle the truth' and I slapped him because he deserved it!"

"Sherlock that is NOT how you apologize!" Hetalia glared. "I am so sorry Aphmau he is-"

"I'm not good with any human interaction anyways." Sherlock was about to walk away until Hetalia grabbed him.

"You are not going anywhere until you apologize correctly Sherlock." Hetalia stated. 

"Alright then." Sherlock took a deep breath. "I, from the bottom of my heart, deeply apologize for my actions. I was very immature and rude for no reason. I regret what I did to you. I bet you are a very intelligent person Aphmau."

"Ok I accept your apology." The Aphmau fandom slightly smiled. "Just don't do it again."

"I promise I will not ever do that again." Sherlock nodded.

With that Hetalia smiled and the two went back to the kitchen where everybody else was. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"That seemed like a hard slap Sherlock." Supernatural chuckled. "What did you say?"

"I do not want to talk about it." Sherlock sat down with his arms crossed. "It was only between me and the Aphmau fandom. It does not involve you whatsoever. So you can get your little nose out of my business. Please and thank you."

"Geez." Supernatural said as he was eating his pie. "No need to be rude."

"Anyways..." Doctor Who decided to stop the tension between the two. "It's nice to have all five of us here together. It's been a while since we all hung out in one place like this."

"Yeah it is." Hetalia smiled as he leaned against a counter. "Glad our little group is back together."

"So are we going to be doing something else together today?" Homestuck asked. 

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