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The Supernatural fandom stood up from his chair and walked to the door. He slowly opened it and saw Homestuck looking annoyed. 

"Alright give it." Supernatural glared a bit.

"Wha-" Homestuck cut himself off. "You're not going to invite me in?"

"Of course not." Supernatural chuckled. "What kind of idiot do you think I am?"

"Damn..." Homestuck sighed and grabbed Supernatural's shoulder. "Hate to break it to ya....but you already are..."

"Just give me the damn-" Supernatural got the salt shoved to his chest.

"Yeah yeah there you go." Homestuck rolled his eyes. "You're very SALTY today."

"...Bye." Supernatural slammed the door.

Supernatural rolled his eyes and stored his salt in a drawer that was next to his bed. Then he just sat down on his chair and saw someone pestering him once again, two fandoms in fact. He seemed to be popular all of a sudden. Supernatural just laughed and looked at what one of them was saying.

-- gregariousItalian [GI] began pestering graciousAngel [GA] at 08:55 --

GI: naaat i need something from you asap
GI: please answer
GI: are you ignoring me :(
GA: no I was just getting my salt back. what is it that you need heta?
GI: i need your salt! :D
GA: but I need it...
GI: oh what are you using it for, i'm just curious :0
GA: what are YOU using it for?
GI: cookies and other desserts
GA: alright I'll bring it to you.
GI: i thought you needed it 
GA: it can wait.
GI: ah thank you :D
GI: and if you can help me as well that'd be great :)
GA: don't you want homestuck to help you instead?
GI: aww you don't want to help me :( 
GI: i thought might as well ask you since i am talking to you
GI: i understand you're probably busy with your own things
GA: ....yeah...
GI: i was planning on making pie too ;)
GA: alright I'll be there in a bit. just let me answer DW.
GI: alrighty i'll see you then :D

-- gregariousItalian [GI] ceased pestering graciousAngel [GA] at 09:05 --

Supernatural stretched for a few seconds and finally answered the other fandom

-- affableTimelord [AT] began pestering gracoiusAngel [GA] at 08:56 --

AT:  Hey do you have any plans today?
AT: I just want Sherlock, you, and me to hang out and do something like we used to.
AT: Sherlock said yes to this already.
AT: So can you?
GA: hey sorry for late response but I did say that I would help heta with something but maybe you two can come with me and help as well.
AT: You're just saying that so Sherlock and I can do all the work so you don't have to do anything but just sit there.
GA: you're right I just don't want to do anything.
AT: Why did you agree to helping Heta then?
GA: I felt bad and he did say that he would be making pie.
AT: Of course you agreed well I guess we could go. In the kitchen right?
GA: no in the bathroom.
AT: .....I mean I was just making sure haha. See ya then.
GA: ok.

-- affableTimelord [AT] ceased pestering graciousAngel [GA] at 09:08 --

Let's see what one of the fandoms are up to...

You can hear the sound of kitchen supplies being put on the counter. Fandoms are talking and there was a lot going on. But one particular fandom was doing mostly all the cooking. Of course there were other fandoms cooking up some breakfast for the others who come in to eat in the cafeteria. The main course was done so everyone started to leave and get some food. Though the one fandom that I was talking about stayed behind and decided to make dessert. It was not mandatory but this fandom loved cooking. The name of this fandom was Hetalia. Yes he is an anime series with episode that are 5 minutes long. May seem short but he has a good amount of episodes. The anime series consist of personified countries which usually made Hetalia love the whole world and love everyone as well. He is very cheerful and sweet like a piece of candy. Anyways, what is he doing right now? He is looking for a particular ingredient that mostly every dessert has. Salt. There was none. With this news Hetalia started to panic a bit but he just took a deep breath and thought about who could have salt. Of course! The Supernatural fandom! Hetalia started to pester the fandom.

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