"I love you, too, Hyung. No need to cry. I'll always love you."

"J'kook," the older hiccuped, "Stah sayin' dat! It may it worsh!"

The taller chuckled and nodded, placing another peck to the Hybrid's cheek. After that, he got Jimin situated under the covers and wrapped himself around the Hybrid.

They were quiet for a bit, then Kook smiled and let out a small breath from his nose. He pushed Jimin's bangs off his forehead then leaned in to kiss his face again.


"Nothing. You're just so beautiful, Jimin. I...I think I've always thought you were beautiful. Even when we were kids."

"You've always been a bunny," Jimin squeaked out.

Kook chuckled and pulled the covers up more. "Maybe that's why I do everything my kitty says." Jung smirked and draped his arm over the Hybrid's waist.

"That wasn't sexy at all," Jimin mumbled, tucking his head into the younger's chest.

"Really?" Jungkook pouted, "I really like calling you mine."

The Hybrid sighed and shook his head slightly.

Kook grinned and tangled his legs with Jimin's. This was the good life.


"Happy birthday, Appa," Jimin said brightly, setting Taemin's homemade cake down on the table. Two candles sat atop it: a five and a two.

They'd already sang and given Taemin his gifts. Mahi had already given his annual birthday kiss and now they were gathered at the dining table.

Taemin had asked Jimin to try to make a cake from scratch, just because he loved the Hybrid's pastries he had learned to make recently.

"Alright, get me a knife and a plate. This is what I've been waiting for," he chuckled, rubbing his hands together.

"It's a strawberry cheesecake mixture," Jimin informed.

"It's awesome, Appa," Jungkook assured as he pulled plates from the cabinet.

"I made a few test cakes and Jungkookie was my taste-tester."

"The first one was awful, but that's to be expected."

"Hopefully this recipe can become one of your favorites," Jimin grinned, handing the knife Jungkook gave him to Taemin.

Mahi smiled and wrapped her arms around her husband's shoulders. "Happy birthday, love."

Taemin smiled back at her and reached up to grip her hand. She'd been so happy today and he loved it.

"Babe, what kind of icing did you use again?" Jungkook asked, swiping his finger through the top layer.

"Jungkook!" Ji pouted, moving to get a knife and fix it, but the Human wrapped his arm around the Hybrid's mid-section.

Mahi giggled as she watch the kids play, laying her head against Taemin's shoulder. A sigh slipped pass her lips then she said, "I'm happy Tae. I want you to know that. I'm very happy with our life."

"Me too," he said, smiling at his son's happiness, "Very happy."


"This is the best part."

Jimin looked up to Jungkook from where he was laying on the younger's lap. "I thought you never watched this before."

"I haven't," the younger chuckled, pushing his fingers through Jimin's hair. "I meant being with you. The best part is this."

"What do you mean?"

"Just...being able to relax. Being able to....enjoy just being with you."

Jimin smiled and rolled to his back, getting comfy before he grabbed Jungkook's hand. "I like this too. Mostly because I'm with my savior, but-" He stopped here and giggled.

Kook smiled softly then brought the back of Jimin's hand to his lips. "You've always been my favorite Hybrid, you know that? I made sure you got to take leftovers."

Jimin grinned, "You're my favorite too. Besides Eomma, of course."

"Of course," Kook nodded.

Jimin let a small pause fill the air, then he asked, "So, what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"What's our next step?"

The Human let out a breath then looked to the wall across the room, "Uh...I'll finish my internship, get my last year of anatomy done, then...if you want to...after I find a job, we can get engaged or...whatever."

Ji giggled and sat up quickly, his arms wrapping around the taller's neck. "Sounds beautiful."

Homeless, Not Hopeless (JiKook)Where stories live. Discover now