Come take a walk

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It had been a month. The initial stinging pain of betrayal was now just a constant throb that showed no sign of stopping at all.

I saw Chaz at the coffee shop we used to go to all the time.

I was almost surprised to see him alone.

Although I hid in the corner and begged for him not to see me, I thought for a minute that maybe he sensed me. He turned to me almost immediately after getting his drink.

I didn't even know what to think.

He didn't look like himself.

He looked like he had one too many sleepless nights. His eyes met mine and I could see right through them.

The boy I loved looked back at me.

Not the boy who cheated on me.

He was gone, all that was left was the same old man whom I hadn't seen in what felt like ages.

"Sierra..." he says my name like it will be the last time.

I wish to tell him it was the first of many more times to come.

But I don't know how. I don't know how to love the man who for a moment couldn't love me back. Even though he stood in front of me and I wanted to run right into his arms it felt as thought there were a wall barricading us to opposite sides of the room.

He slowly take a few steps in my direction.

I can't decide if I want to stay or run and hide.

Once he realizes I'm not going anywhere he approaches me, and we're merely inches apart.

"Come take a walk with me, please?"

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