New Home

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My new apartment looks as though It were drowning in shades of pastel and royal blues, the walls held an ombre of the two colors with a cream white baseline.

It was a much different color scheme than the walls of my old home that Chaz and I had spent the whole day painting lavender.

One of the many memories I hold close.

One of the only memories I have left.

God, I miss him already.


Don't allow yourself to say those words.

But I do...

What am I doing?
Why did I go?

Because he's garbage who does garbage things.

But in the end, he wanted to explain...

Explain how he would sneak off to another women's bed.

I must be going insane with the inner monologue argument.

My phone rings its familiar song.

I know who it is.
I feel nervous for no real known reason.
I pick up.

It's him.

The picture on the background still held smiling faces and kisses on cheeks.


I can't decide to hit the green or the red button.

So I put the phone down.

If it's important he'll call again.

If he calls again I'll answer.

I waited 5 minutes.

10 minutes.

And hour.


So I walked down the hall and slept in my new bed....


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