Looking Back

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Chaz and I weren't always so distant. In fact, six months ago even he couldn't get enough of me. I was the smile that would light up his darkest moments. I was the kiss that made a bad day good. I was the hug that brought warmth to the coldest places in his mind.

And he was mine.

He was mine to hold and dance with whole the stars twinkled for us. He was mine to laugh along to the jokes about our past, present, and future. He was mine to say I love you to when one of us was sad or sick.

He was mine...

And mine alone...

We planned to get married. He made a joke about buying me a diamond ring, that ring never came. Somewhere it must've gotten lost between I love you and "babe, she just a friend".

I love you must've gotten lost in the abyss of what it might've been, and now I write to you because my doctor says so. I write to you because he just couldn't say no.

He couldn't say no to the smile of another woman who was the slightest bit attractive. He couldn't say no to the thought of losing the one he claimed to hold so closely.

Which is more painful?

Being stabbed in the back?

Or being able to see the knife clearly?

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