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I groaned loudly and hit him on the head once we walked out of the classroom, "This is your fault! If you wouldn't have been so... so stupid then this wouldn't have happened! I hate you!"

     Lucas smirked at me, "Love you too, babe. And just for your information, you kind of agreed to do it."

     I glared at him and walked off to my locker. He's such an idiot! I got my stuff for second period and walked off as fast as I could. I did not want Lucas anywhere near me but I knew that couldn't happen considering he had every single flipping class with me.

Why must the world despise me?

     After an exceedingly long day of Jackson ditching us again, Lucas being a complete ding dong, and Lily fantasizing about Damon Stal. I rolled my eyes. Damon was just like Lucas so I don't see what she sees in him.

     I dragged my feet to the front of the school, where I was supposed to meet Lucas. I texted my parents about the entire situation and they told me it was fine but I was really hoping they'd say no.

     I felt a hand around my shoulder and my breath hitched once I felt somebody breathing below my ear, "Touch me and I will personally make sure your body is in a casket."

     "Glad to know you care about my body after my death, babe," Lucas replied and moved away from me. "My house or your house?"

     "Definitely yours," I replied with a hint of hatred in my voice.

     I didn't even mean to be rude, I just really, really hated this kid with every fiber of my body. As for my house, well, my room isn't the type of place you'd call subtle. Klaus Mikaelson posters everywhere, clothes on the floor, and a messy bed.

Yeah, not letting Lucas see that anytime soon.

"Well, we're walking to my house because I didn't bring my car today," Lucas said with a small hint of amusement in his voice.

"Great, even more time to spend with Prince Charming," I said sarcastically with an eye roll.

     "You know it," he replied cockily.

     I hate him. I loathe him. I despise him. I am livid toward him. My pinky, my cartilage, my eyes, my brain, my feet— everything that makes up my body hates him.

"How did you even get in AP classes?" I asked sharply.

"Do you ever not sound angry toward me?" he chuckled before answering, "it's because I'm smart. Duh."

"Mhm, that is why you missed nine questions on review. Review! Review is not hard! Review is review!" I practically screamed the last part.

He's making me mental. Oh no.

"You were already mental," Lucas replied.

Fudge, I said that out loud.

"I love fudge too. I also love you," Lucas responded, smirking.

"Why are you enjoying my suffering? You evil fiend!" I said and glared at him. "You can't love me if I hate you!"

I would've stomped off that very minute and left him there, but I didn't know where his house was. So instead, me being little ole me, I screamed and jumped on his back, karate chopping his head.

"Chill, I was just joking! I've reached my inner spirit! I'm calm, man!" he replied while trying to pull my off of him.

I made my way up to his shoulder and sat down. My legs were kicking at his chest. This was payback. Revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge.

"Guess what I'd see if I could turn my head around," he said and I could practically imagine his smirk.

I screeched and quickly tried to get off of him, "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. You aren't an owl! Ew! You are so disgusting!"

I know I may seem innocent, but with being friends with Lily and Jackson for a while, I have learned too many things. Many things I would rather not remember, but am forced to anyway. I can remember that kind of stuff but forget where I placed my thin mints!

We arrived at his house after ten minutes of suffering.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, noticing how empty it was.

"Busy. Work," he replied curtly before walking up a staircase.

Half way up the stairs, I felt a cramp in my side. Oh God, not the cramps. Anything but the cramps.

"This. Is. So. Much. Work," I breathed in and out deeply.

"The staircase isn't even that long," he told me, his eyebrow cocked up and smirked afterwards. "But you know what is long."

I glared at him before slowly walking up the evil stairs. They were the epitome of a work-out and I could have sworn there were bigger ones in the world. I'm never going up those.

"My bedroom is down that corridor, third door to the right," he informed me, "I gotta go tinkle."

I almost bursted out laughing at his word choice before taking in how large his house actually was. It was cliché, really. A chandelier hung from the ceiling. Two ways of stairs that connected at the top traveled up to the second floor.

Turning around, I walked down the corridor and realization hit me hard. I forgot which door led to his room. Something to the right? No, it must've been to the left. I opened the first door to the left and if this was a cartoon, my jaw would've hit the ground.

     There was pastel purple walls, except for a darker shade of purple accent wall with a white, queen sized bed next to it. There were two white shelves filled with different books and a white dresser with a mirror above it. There was also a huge TV and a desk with a laptop on it. Holy meatballs, who's bedroom was this?

     I felt a tap on my shoulder and I yelled and jumped up, "I have the memory of an ant!"

     Lucas chuckled and pointed to the third door on the right. Oh, it was on the right. I rolled my eyes at myself and slapped the top of my head. Silly me!

     As Lucas opened the door to his bedroom, I could almost see the resemblance between the two rooms. Except there was a bigger bed, the walls were all gray, clothes all in an area beside his bed, and a lot of video games. How rich is this kid, oh my gosh.

     "The entire world is quaking," I whispered to myself.

     Lucas sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to him.

     "Haha, you wish," I replied at his gesture and sat down in his chair which was next to his desk.

     Ooooh, it spins.

     "Sooo, I'll start tutoring you now!" I said, happily spinning the chair around.

     "I'm ready," he replied.

     "Okay, so one plus one equals...?" I asked, the amusement most likely evident in my eyes.

     "A child," he responded with a smirk.

     "Screw you," I muttered.

     "You would love to," he chirped.

     I will never love cupcakes ever again.

hellooooo i totally forgot to do this a/n and qotd so i was like ohEck

qotd: pineapple pizza?

aotd: yes. always. forever.

- aspen

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