12 - What If

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Chapter Twelve:

     What If

Chitoge woke up by the sound of a car beep. She ran to the gate and opened it.

"Yui---" Chitoge muttered but was interrupted by Marika.

"Tachibana Marika?! Why are you with her?" Chitoge asked.

"Nothing. Where's Raku-sama?" Markia asked Chitoge.

"He's sleeping. Do you mean that Yui nee-san is here so that... oh... I see." Chitoge suddenly knew and walked away.

"Chitoge, do you want to know who it is?" Yui asked.

"Never mind. I have an idea on who it is but I'm a coward." Chitoge said with a stern voice.

While Chitoge was walking away, she was quietly sobbing. "I can't take this anymore." Chitoge thought.

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The next day, Yui went inside Raku's room, Raku was there, eagerly knowing who his childhood sweetheart is.

"Uh... Raku-chan, I should have asked you this. Do you have a special person?" Yui asked Raku while holding his hands.

"Special person?" he thought.


"Of course, I hate you."


"Thanks for being there for me."

"Are you okay?"



"I'm sorry Yui nee-san. I already have someone." Raku said and blushed.

"Then who is it?" Yui asked Raku, feeling sad inside.

"A secret." Raku said, without feeling embarrassed.

"My, Raku-chan, you really did get matured. Don't worry, I'll root for you." Yui said.

"But... my real question is, who would you rather pick, your childhood sweetheart or the person you love?" Yui asked Raku and then sat in front of him.

"Eh? That's a bit hard." Raku said and then puts his one on the chin.

"I'll let you choose. I'll come back this afternoon. And I want your answer this afternoon, okay?" Yui said to Raku and then went out of the room.

He sighed and then slept again, not knowing who would he choose. He doesn't know who is his childhood sweetheart but Chitoge means a lot to him.

He thought for it but Chitoge was all in his mind. Well, Onodera was his first crush and Chitoge is his second love. It would been much better if Chitoge is the promised girl.

He made a decision. He quickly packed his stuff and then went straight to Chitoge's room.--- Nahh... better not. She would smack him. Easy smack.

He'll just have to wait for Yui, then.

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Meanwhile, Chitoge packed her stuff and began to cry again.

"Stupid short hair, stupid Raku... why... I can't help but cry. I hate this." Chitoge muttered while slowly curled herself.

She didn't tell anyone that she would leave. Except for Yui, Tsumugi, and Marika. She's going back to States. She's not coming back to Japan.

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"So Raku-chan, tell me." Yui said, a smile flashes through her face.

"I already decided on someone." Raku begged.


Raku smirked and then he made his decision to see Chitoge. He didn't confess to Onodera the last time because he was a coward and he really didn't know the most honest feeling he had.

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Actually, I'm kinda curious why Raku still haven't confess to Onodera since they are mutual!!

Well, I must admit, I don't want Raku to confess to Onodera. I want him and Chitoge better.

Oh well, Komi Naoshi sure does take us to the edge of our seats.

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