05 - 2 years later

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Chapter Five:

     2 Years Later

After two years, Chitoge is now a college student and she decided to come back to Japan for some reasons. Her hair is now short, still has her beauty and especially her ribbon. But she still has her key.

"Ojou!! I've missed you!!" Tsugumi wailed. Chitoge was shocked that Tsugumi is grown into a fine young lady. Her hair became longer and she still has her model figure.

"Tsugumi!! How is Japan?"

"Raku Ichijou... he..."

"He found his childhood sweetheart? I knew it. It's Kosaki-chan."

"No... he waited for you and you're the last person to know. Ojou, did you regain your memories?"

"A little bit."

"I knew it. Ojou, let's go!! Let's hurry back to Japan!!"

"Okay Tsugumi! Just chill, okay?"

After a few minutes, Chitoge got ready and Tsugumi along with her, now they are travelling to Japan much to Chitoge's worries.

** Japan **

"Chitoge? Is that you? Why is your hair short? You look much better with long hair." Onodera said.

"Kosaki-chan... you look exactly the same." Chitoge said, surprised.

"Ha ha. I like this style and I learned to love it. Ah. About Ichijou-kun, he should be here any minute now." Onodera said, chuckling at the end.

"Sorry I'm late!! Chitoge!" Raku shouted.

"Beansprout? You've gotten... that... after two years." Chitoge said.

"I was sorta training 'cuz our fake relationship didn't last long, according to the deal. And the old man had to train me." Raku said.

"I'm back." Chitoge said.

"Welcome back." Raku said with open arms.

---- ○ ---- ○ ----

"So, I had to rush here for something, am I right?" Chitoge asked.

"It's about the keys Chitoge-chan. We're giving it to the rightful owners. You give me mine and this key belongs to you." Onodera said, giving the key to Chitoge but Chitoge didn't take it.

"This key is originally yours but somehow you gave it to Onodera... I think." Raku said.

"That's what I remembered. These keys can open my pendant." Raku continued.

"So, Onodera, open the pendant with your key." Tachibana said.

Onodera opened it and a piece of paper was revealed.

"This is it." Onodera mumbled.

Raku got the paper and then opened the paper. His eyes widened on what he just read.

---- ○ ---- ○ ----


Trololol!! I've always wanted to make a cliffhanger.

Anyway, I got bored by writing this chapter 'cuz the development is too fast!!

I know dat. But I still have more at store.

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