Feel It Still

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"Obviously it's not if you're kissing the guy."

"You don't know him like I do."

"He's a killer, Rey."

"He was turned to the dark side by Snoke. He wasn't always Kylo Ren."

"He's been a murderer as long as I've known him." Finn told her. Rey stopped running, Finn almost running into her.

"That - " she pointed back towards where they came from. "Was Ben Solo. NOT Kylo Ren." Rey told Finn firmly.

"This is too confusing." Finn said.

"Just hurry up." Rey told Finn, starting to run down the hall again. They turned a corner.

"Shit!" Finn hissed. There were two troopers at the end of the hallway.

"HALT!" one of them commanded at them. Rey deflected their blaster shots and Finn took them out with ease.

"The control room should be down here. They're always on the left side of the ship." Finn said, pointing down another hallway.

They turned down the hallway, another two troopers running up to meet them. While Finn was shooting at the troopers, two more came from behind.

Rey swung her saber at the troopers, knocking the blasters out of their hands and using the Force to shove them back down the hall where they came from.

"Go, go, go!" Finn yelled as they rushed forward, jumping over the fallen troopers.


"Supreme Leader." Herrera said to Hux as he sat on the metal throne, Millicent purring contently in his lap. "They've reached the maintenance quarters." She reported.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked. "Send the troopers after them!" Hux said, waving his hand.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Herrera said. She turned and nodded at the commander troopers who then exited the throne room.

"They'll be here soon enough." Hux said aloud. Millicent mewed in reply.


Ben approached the command deck. He had taken out a dozen or so troopers on the hallway alone. He braced himself as he used the Force to open the doors to the command bridge.

"Supreme.... Uh... Kylo... Err.... Ben Solo." Thanisson said as he turned to greet Ben. The Comlink operators stared wide eyed as Ben approached Thanisson.

"Where is Hux." Ben hissed.

"I can not divulge the Supreme Leaders whereabouts to a traitor such as yourself." Thanisson replied, his head held high. Ben reached out and began to Force choke him. One of the Comlink operators turned a blaster on Ben and he used the Force with his other hand to knock it away.

"Tell me. Where. Hux. Is." Ben snarled. Thanisson gasped for air.

"He's.... He's... Throne Room." Thanisson said as he clawed at his own throat. Ben knocked Thanisson down to the ground. Ben turned to leave the room.

"Ben." Thanisson said weakly, standing up. Ben stopped in his tracks.

"You should know." He began. "He has guests." Ben whirled around and stomped back towards Thanisson.

"What. Guests?"


"Finn! Do you copy?" Poe paged to Finn over the communications radio he had clipped on his belt. Finn scrambled for the radio.

"Poe, have you reached the weapons system yet?" Finn paged back.

"Not yet. There's a blockade at the entrance to the computers." Poe replied.

Sync - A Reylo Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora