call #5

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Hello Eliza!

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Hello Eliza!


Isn't this such a splendid day we're having?


Well, I don't know why you picked up
if you're going to sit there and brood like a petulant child.


You're testing my patience.

I know who you are.

Oh, she's graced me with her voice!

Shut up.

You're quite sassy today!
Okay, I'll entertain you. Who am I?

You're dad's brother, my Uncle Henry.

Wrong. I told you to look at King Henry VIII's family tree.
He had a beautiful baby girl named Elizabeth, the virgin queen,
which sounds an awful lot like....

You're not my father.

Oh, but I am!
I've waited so long to tell you this.

You're my uncle. You're my uncle!

Call me what you want,
they're just words after all.
You know who your real father is.
Hell, you should be glad that your father is a real man.

You're in no position to act conceited.
An old man almost beat the shit outta you yesterday.
That doesn't sound very manly to me.

You don't know what a real man means, my dear.
A real man takes on any challenger,
and always comes out on top, which is what I did.

Oh shut up, Uncle.
He wasn't a "challenger."
He was an old man fighting for his life.

That's just semantics.

Or you're just bullshit.

Before I go, I wanted to let you know that I'm having a small family reunion later tonight.

What do you mean?

3903 Crossland Avenue.

No. No!
Please, stop what you're doing!

I'm already on my way there, child!
Just turned onto Erdman, so I only have a few minutes to talk.

Please don't touch her. Come to me instead. Take me!

Why would I kill my own child?
I have morals.
That child that isn't even mine.

See you later, my dear.

Stay away from my sister!



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