Chapter One.

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Many people think I'm just an ordinary girl but I'm not. I found that out when I turned 13. At first I was sort of freaked out, but then as any little tween would be I was super psyched about it. Now I'm just used to it.

On the night of my 13th birthday after everyone had gone home and my parents were sleeping, I had still been awake. I was looking through all the presents I had received like a normal kid would do. I glanced at the clock and it read 11:59 PM. It was late but I didn't care cause it was a Saturday night.

Suddenly, when it turned 12:00 AM I felt this weird, burning sensation within me. I wasn't able to pinpoint exactly where cause it felt like everywhere. I don't remember what I was thinking, probably just some weird bodily function but it ended up getting stronger like it was building up.

Next thing I knew, it was gone. The feeling just disappeared. I was lying on my bed at that moment and glanced back over at the clock that now read 12:01 AM. I sat up and just thought that whatever happened was weird.

I got up and walked back over to where my presents were sitting on my desk in front of my mirror. I looked into it and I wanted to scream but nothing came out, it was like I was paralyzed.

My boring brown eyes were replaced with a bright white color lined with black. I looked more closely, touching and poking my own eyes. I don't know why but I thought if I just touched them, if I did something it would go away.

It didn't. My eyes stayed that way permanently. I stumbled back away from my mirror and laid my left hand down on my dresser. My eyes were wide as I watched my dresser quickly glaze over with ice.

I stumbled back, landing on my bed. My right hand grazed my blankets and caught fire. At this point, I was straight up terrified and didn't know what to do. I ran, screaming, towards my parents room.

I remember them asking all these different questions at once and I just couldn't answer. The fire had traveled from my room and out into the hallway. My parents grabbed me and ran out the front door, leaving absolutely everything behind.

By the time the fire trucks got there it was basically too late. Our entire house was engulfed in flames. Me being 13 at the time I was thinking about my presents and my clothes, my pet hamster. I also couldn't stop thinking that it was my fault, that it all happened because of me.

Of course, we had to move and start completely over. Now I'm not talking about moving to a whole new town just yet. We stayed in our area, moved in to our new home.

I knew I had to tell my parents what happened. I sat them down in our new kitchen at the table and I told them the same story I'm telling you.

I showed them, my powers and I told them that my eye color changed that night as well. I held an ice/water ball in one hand and a fire ball in the other. My parents of course were freaked out. They talked and talked and considered everything. Finally, they decided that the best thing we could do was to not tell anybody about my powers. They said if anyone found out they could tell someone important and they could harm me.

That was their simple way of putting it. I could tell it put a whole lot of stress and worry onto them. I basically wasn't allowed out of the house for a while. They called the school and told them I was sick with a very rare illness and would not return for at least a month and had someone bring me my school work.

My parents had to help me learn how to control my powers even if they didn't know what the fuck they were doing. They helped, though, and they were very supportive of everything.

It wasn't until much later, when I turned 16 that I understood my full powers. It seemed to me that I was very powerful, and I didn't actually know how powerful I was but let me get back to that later. When I turned 16, it felt like I was an actual teenager and with being a teenager came that teenage angst. I also had really bad anxiety.

Long story short, with me having this really bad anxiety I just wanted to disappear in situations like speaking in front of the class or speaking to anyone really. I just wanted to hide from these things and one day, I did.

Now, this power that I had wasn't exactly invisibility. I couldn't just disappear from sight whenever I wanted. I was still there, I just blended in. Another way that it wasn't invisibility is because I had to be in the shadows. I would hide in the shadows of people, shadows of lockers.

There cane a time when I couldn't do that anymore, people would say stuff like "I just saw you over there" and they'd wonder how. I felt like they were suspicious of me so I sort of decided to become that badass outcast that everyone thinks is cool but no one talks to. I was already a badass before this time, when I turned 15 specifically.

Now, let me get back to feeling very powerful. I'm nearing the end of my story and maybe you're tired of hearing me drone on but just hold on a bit longer.

Growing up as a teenager already isn't very easy. You have the popular people who put you down and think they're better, you have the bullies and everyone else.

I was crying one night, I felt like a freak mainly because I was constantly being called one. This was all before I stopped caring what people thought about me.

I was too busy crying and feeling angry that I didn't realize the same burning sensation I felt 3 years ago was there. This time it was building up faster and I just screamed in anger. I had my eyes closed but I knew what I had done. It was an accident of course but I had shot a gigantic fire ball through my room.

Standing outside watching my home burn down for the second time wasn't fun. I didn't cry this time though. It was at that time that I realized that I didn't care what those popular girls said about me, I didn't care that my house was burning down and it was my fault.

All I cared about was that I didn't destroy my family in the process and that I had some pretty powerful powers.

I trained more with my parents after that, focusing more on controlling these powers more than anything.

All of this lead to me leaving my hometown for a new, fresher start. We moved to a town called Riverwood and I'm just getting settled in. I start school tomorrow at Riverwood High and hopefully no one gets in my way or complicates things.

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