An unexpected date

Start from the beginning

This has to be one of the weirdest dates I have ever been on, but so far it is definitely one of the better ones too. "I am the head chef at Trio, a restaurant downtown. What about you ?"

"I heard of Trio, I also heard their chef is amazing. And here I thought they were only talking about the cooking". It could so easily have felt sleazy, but from him, somehow it just don't. "And me.. well I'm an actor, but please don't hold it against me".

"I promise I won't". I tell him. Maybe that is why I find him vaguely familiar, maybe I have seen something he was in. But honestly it don't really matter, I mean how famous can he be ? Super stars don't go on improvised dates with women they know nothing about right ? Especially not somewhere close to Austin Texas.

The waitress comes back with the wine, pouring a bit into Zac's glass, looking expectantly at him. He obediently pick up the glass, sipping it. Then he hands me the glass. "What do you think ?"

I take the glas, smiling to myself. Big plus in my book for actually caring about my opinion. I sip the wine, it is crisp and a bit dry, perfect for a fatty fish like salmon. "Perfect".

"As the lady said, perfect". He tells the waitress with a flashing smile. She fills our glasses and leaves the bottle on the table.

He pushes up the sleeves of his sweater. He isn't dressed up for a date, as clearly he didn't knew he was going on one. But he looks relaxed and handsome, yeah yeah I said it again.. in jeans and a grey sweater. "So your accent tells me you are not a born Texan, moved her recently ?"

"Yeah, bought a piece of land about a year ago, but honestly I spend most time away for work. I grew up in Ventura just outside LA and well then moved into LA when I started working. But you sound local, am I right ?" His long fingers are caressing the stem of the wineglass as he talks.

I have to admit that my mind shortly flashes to how those fingers would feel sliding up my thigh like that. No Zaina, stop yourself, this isn't even a real date. "Yeah locally born and raised, can't really run from that. But an actor leaving LA to move to Austin, isn't that kind of backwards ?"

"I guess it is.. I needed something new, needed to get away from all the consumerism.. the constant self-promotion.. the always wanting more, never having enough mentality. And well some personal stuff too... So I sold my house, my sports car and my motorcycles. Bought a piece of land and a pickup, the idea is to build a house, but so far I am still living in a trailer". I tell her. Most people had found my choice weird and well probably backwards.

She is looking at me, like really looking. Her dark eyes.. they are the colour of rich melted chocolate, runs over me. "That is.. I wish I could do that.. shed all the old hang ups, all the things weighing us down and just start afresh. That is really admirable".

"Thanks, but well I just followed my heart, don't know if that is really admirable". I know I made the right choice walking over. I had seen her as I entered with a couple of friends and as we waited for our table I heard the waitresses talk about how she had waited for a long time and that her date was never going to show. It was one of those spur of the moment things I sometime tend to do.

The food arrives and it looks delicious. Zaina picks up her fork, using it to cut of a flake of salmon, before spearing it and lifting it to her face, her soft looking lips closing around the fish, pulling it into her mouth. She closes her eyes, slowly chewing it, letting out out a small throaty moan. "Perfect"

"Definitely perfect". I say, finding myself swallowing. Why am I suddenly feeling all heated. I mean she is wearing a white pretty blouse and a wide striped knee length skirt.. nice and proper, but not sexy or revealing, so I don't really get my own reaction.

She open her eyes and I can't really hide that I was looking at her. She bite her lip, pink roses blooming on her cheeks. "So.. do you have any siblings ?"

"Yeah, two sisters. One younger and one older, both married and living in the LA area. What about you ?" I am sure she don't have a sister, there can't be more than one like her out there.

She is chewing the bite in her mouth slowly, swallowing before answering. "I got at younger brother.. Ian, he is 25 and works at the big local radio station".

"Wait I heard him, he got that evening show right ? He is good.. very funny. He is your kid brother ?" I had heard his show a couple of times.

She giggles lightly. "Well please don't tell him that he is funny. His head can't handle it. But yeah that is him".

We spend the next hour talking about just about everything, laughing and having an absolutely great time. Honestly it has turned out to be one of the best dates I have ever been on.

"Thank you for saving me Zac. I better get home... I have the early shift tomorrow and also you wasted enough time on me". She says, as we are done with the food.

I hate to see her go to be honest, but I don't want to come of as desperate or pushy. "It was my pleasure darling. Maybe.. now that I am guessing you are single, maybe you would allow me to take you on a real date ?"

"Definitely single and.. I would like that". She says, sending me a small warm smile, that makes my inside flutter. "I got the evening of thursday ?"

"Perfect". I pull out my phone. "Give me your number, then I'll call you about time and such".  She gives me her number and I quickly put it in my phone.

She takes her purse. "As this wasn't actually a date and you did it to help me, at least let me pay for the food".

"No can do". I shake my head with a slight smile. "I insist.. it is just the way I was brought up. So please humour me. I will feel so much better if I pay".

Something flashes in her eyes, like amusement. Then she nods. "Okay then.. if it makes you happy. Thanks for a great evening Zac, and I see you the day after tomorrow".

"All my pleasure". I get up and give her a light hug. "Get home safe... I better go find my friends. See you darling".

I watch as she sends me one last soft smile, before leaving... I most definitely made the right choice when I came to her rescue.

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)Where stories live. Discover now