Chapter 2

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After the wait that seemed like forever me and Audrey finally left and got to Ellen's set.

As we entered we showed the guard our tickets. He let us in and we when to our seats. They were in the middle.

After about ten minutes the show started.

Ellen had many people before the boys. I don't know most of them. Or remember their names.

Then she called in One direction. They all looked cute.

As they answered questions they all looked in the crowd.

But one thing made my heart stop.

Zayn was looking at me. I know because we made eye contact. And we never broke it. He kept looking back at me. I kept getting a weird feeling every time.

At the end they picked random fans to come up. Zayn picked me. I smiled as Audrey pushed me up there.

"Ello" Zayn said to me.

"Hi" I smiled.

"What is your name?"

"Skylar" He smiled.

"Zayn." I acted as if I didn't know that. But he knew I did. "Here's my number. Maybe we can meet up"

"Yes of course." I said taking the paper and ripping it in half and writing mine on the half that was empty. "and mine so you know it's me"

"Ok. Is your name spelt S-K-Y-L-E-R " I groaned.

"No it's S-K-Y-L-A-R. " He laughs and nods "yours is Z-A-I-N right" I said jokingly.

"Yes" he laughs.

"Good, I was hoping I didn't spell your name wrong" I giggle.

"Oh no, it's spelt exactly like that!" he says laughing.

"Zayn, mate, are you laughing?" I hear Louis say. OMG Louis Tomlinson is right in front of me, next to the Zayn Malik, who is also in front of me.

"Yes...." Zayn says.

"Oh that's good, you haven't since you and Perri-" Zayn cuts Louis off.

"Yeah, okay, now go on, shoo shoo." He shoos Louis away and smiles at me. "Sorry... I don't want any fans to know." He says looking down.

"Zayn, if you don't wanna tell me you don't have to, but if you do, when ever That is, call me. I know we have only just met, but I will always be here for you, plus I am good at keeping secrets." I say smiling at him. He smiles back.

"Thank you, But I Believe I have to go. Bye love." He says hugging me. I quickly kiss his check and see him blush as I walk back to Audrey.

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