Chapter 7

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I'm sitting on the swing that sits on my balcony. Gentle rocking myself with my foot.

It's around five in the morning or maybe it's earlier than five. I don't honestly know, all I know is that I couldn't fall back to sleep.

Its also dark, the only light is the light shining from the stars. The cool air hitting my skin when I come forward on the swing.

The thing I like about Aspana is that it doesn't snow. The weather just gets a little cool during the winter.

I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up laying down on the swing. The sun was rising making the sky light up as it went higher up into the sky.

Darlene's birthday was three weeks ago. I also asked if we could go out every Saturday on Thursday and my parents agreed after a tiny little bit of convincing.

So I get to go out with or without Darlene but of course, I will still have to have at least three guards.

I get up from the swing, heading inside where it's a little warmer. I change into a cream sweater with some black leggings.

I put my hair into a loose fishtail braid. I head downstairs, seeing my parents doing the same thing that they do every morning which talk about top secret stuff. Every time I walk into the room they are talking in hushed voices and then they stop talking, which should happen any second now.

Like I predicted they stopped and turned to me smiling brightly. They must be up to something and I can't figure out what.

"May I ask what you two are up to?" I look between the two hoping for an answer but got nothing.

"We have no idea of what you're talking about" my mother lies looking at my father for help, but also got nothing.

"I'm gonna go watch a movie with Mya," I say walking out of the room to find Mya.

I looked everywhere with no luck in finding her. Then it hit me it's an early Saturday morning and she's probably still in bed.

I walk to the Guard hall there are 10 rooms and three Guards staying in one room. Their rooms are big enough for actually four people but my parents didn't want to crowd them into one room. Most of the older guards stay at there houses.

I head towards Mya's room that she shares with two other guard women.

The door was open already as someone walked out. I give them a quick hello as I walk in.

I head to the right corner where Mya's stuff is located. I see her still laying down in bed.

Her hair scattered across her face as she moved to her side. I look at the two empty beds that belong to her roommates.

I jump on Mya shaking her. She instantly woke up from the impact of me jumping on her.

"What time is it?" she yawned glancing at the clock hanging on the wall.

"It's only 7 why the hell are you waking me up?" she groaned pushing me to the side of her bed as she rolled over to go back to sleep.

"You wanna watch a movie with me?" I question poking her to make sure that she didn't fall asleep on me. She glared at me when I wouldn't stop poking her.

"No now go away," she says swatting my hand away from her making me laugh.

"Sorry but wrong answer," I say getting up, pulling her with me then dripping her when half her body is hanging off the bed. She drops to the floor with a thud.

She groans as she lays on the ground for a minute. She slowly gets up rubbing her eyes then looks towards me.

"Now you woke me up to watch a movie?" she questions, pulling the blanket over her bed so it's nicely made before getting dressed.

"Well I did but now I don't want to. What do you want to do?" I ask laying down on her bed. She looks towards me giving me a glare.

"I just made that bed and I don't know what to do" she sighs pushing me off the bed to fix it.

"Ooh I know let's just stick with your first idea and then we can head out for lunch," she says dragging me towards the movie room.

She picked the movie then ran back over to me. She dragged me to sit down in the third row. The movie has five rows with six seats in each row.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask while turning my attention to the screen.

"We're watching Shrek" she squealed, well then guess I found out her favorite movie but I had one question.

"What's Shrek?" I look back at Mya with a raised eyebrow. What I don't watch animated movies let alone any movie.

She looks at me with her dropped jaw gasping.

"It's only the most amazing animated movie of all times. It's about an ogre and a princess. The ogre whose name is Shrek has a swamp that Lord farquaad put all the fairy tale creatures in. In order for Shrek to get his swamp back he has to go on a quest to rescue a princess for lord farquaad" she rushes out.

"Since you just told me a summary of the movie I don't have to watch it now," I say in a bored tone. She looked at me with a weird look.

"Um no since you haven't seen it you'll be sitting here and watching the whole movie," she said with a smirk.

"Fine" I grumble looking at the screen and watching the whole movie.

The movie ended and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Mya looked at me expecting me to tell her my opinion of the movie. 

"It wasn't that bad and you didn't even tell me that Shrek and Fiona fell for each other," I say giving her a glance before getting up and putting on a different movie, sitting through that one-two.

By the time we were done watching movies, it was two in the afternoon. I was a tiny bit hungry since I didn't eat but I'm not starving.  I haven't been hungry but I do make myself eat. 

"Come on let's go eat out," Mya says jogging out of the room to inform the other guards, my parents, and Darlene. 

I walk to my room getting some shoes.  I walk out of my room at the same time as Mya and Darlene walk out of Darlene's room.
"Ready?" Diego asked us as he turns the corner and faced us. I nod and we follow him out to the van. My parents got a van for my sister the guards and me for when we go out so we don't draw attention to ourselves.

We all pile into the van, same guards as last time. Andrew drives us to a diner located in the middle of town.

We sit at a table eat and walk around town for the remainder of the day.

Authors note

I decided to update on Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's. Saturday and Sundays I might post just depends on if I feel like writing on the weekend.

Not edited. 

Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time


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